Angiofibroma - Angiofibroom
Angiofibroom (Angiofibroma) is 'n harde papule, nodule of tumorletsels. Angiofibromas word soms verkeerd gediagnoseer as aknee. Hulle word op hul liggings genoem:
1) gesig
Fibrous papule
2) penis
Pearly penile papule
3) onder 'n vinger- of toonnael
Periungual angiofibroma
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  • Angiofibroom (Angiofibroma) het 'n soortgelyke voorkoms as aknee. Die letsels kom hoofsaaklik rondom die neus voor.
    References Cutaneous Angiofibroma 29494077 
    Cutaneous angiofibromas kan in verskeie dele van die liggaam verskyn. Op die gesig staan ​​hulle dikwels bekend as veselagtige papules of adenoom sebaceum; op die penis word hulle pearly penile papules genoem; onder die spyker word hulle periunguale angiofibromas of Koenen-gewasse genoem; en in die mond word daar na hulle verwys as orale fibromas. Gesigsangiofibromas is 'n prominente kenmerk van tuberous sclerosis (TS) , 'n oorgeërfde afwyking wat die vel, niere, hart, brein en longe aantas. Hulle ontwikkel tipies op die gesig tydens kinderjare of vroeë volwassenheid by individue met TS. Om drie of meer gesig-angiofibromas of twee of meer periunguale angiofibromas te hê, word as beduidend beskou in die diagnose van TS. Daarbenewens kan veelvuldige gesig-angiofibromas in toestande teenwoordig wees (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) en Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome) . Pearly penile papules word langs die kroonrand en sulkus van die penis gevind. Dit is aanhoudende, pynlose knoppe wat meer algemeen by onbesnede mans gesien word.
    Cutaneous angiofibromas can be located on different areas of the body including the face where they are commonly called fibrous papules or adenoma sebaceum on the penis where they are called pearly penile papules, underneath the nail where they are called periungual angiofibromas or Koenen tumors, and in the mouth where they are called oral fibromas. Facial angiofibromas are considered one of the most obvious clinical presentations of tuberous sclerosis (TS), an autosomal dominant hamartomatous disorder that affects the skin, kidneys, heart, brain, and lungs. With TS, angiofibromas typically arise on the face in childhood and early adulthood. Both facial angiofibromas (greater than or equal to 3 needed) and periungual angiofibroma (greater than or equal to 2 needed) are 2 of the major criteria for TS. Multiple facial angiofibromas are also found in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) and Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. Pearly penile papules are chronic, asymptomatic, papules found on the coronal margin and sulcus of the penis. They are more common in uncircumcised men.