Cellulitis - Sellulitishttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulitis
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References Cellulitis 31747177 NIH
Cellulitis is 'n algemene bakteriële velinfeksie. Dit raak jaarliks meer as 14 miljoen mense in die Verenigde State. Dit lei tot sowat $3,7 miljard se koste vir ambulante sorg en 650 000 hospitalisasies elke jaar. Tipies verskyn cellulitis as 'n warm, rooi area op die vel met swelling en sagtheid. Dit word veroorsaak deur 'n skielike bakteriële infeksie wat ontsteking in die diep vellae en nabygeleë weefsel veroorsaak. Daar is geen abses of etter met hierdie infeksie nie. Beta-hemolitiese streptokokke, veral groep A streptokokke (Streptococcus pyogenes) , is die gewone skuldiges, gevolg deur methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.
Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection, with over 14 million cases occurring in the United States annually. It accounts for approximately 3.7 billion dollars in ambulatory care costs and 650000 hospitalizations annually. Cellulitis typically presents as a poorly demarcated, warm, erythematous area with associated edema and tenderness to palpation. It is an acute bacterial infection causing inflammation of the deep dermis and surrounding subcutaneous tissue. The infection is without an abscess or purulent discharge. Beta-hemolytic streptococci typically cause cellulitis, generally group A streptococcus (i.e., Streptococcus pyogenes), followed by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. Patients who are immunocompromised, colonized with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, bitten by animals, or have comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus may become infected with other bacteria.
Cellulitis: current insights into pathophysiology and clinical management 29219814Cellulitis is 'n bakteriële infeksie van die vel en sagte weefsel. Dit gebeur wanneer daar probleme is met die vel se beskermende versperring, die immuunstelsel of bloedsirkulasie. Diabetes, vetsug en ouderdom verhoog die kanse op cellulitis deur hierdie areas te beïnvloed. Ons kyk ook na onlangse bevindings oor die diagnose van cellulitis , wat die belangrikheid van akkurate diagnose beklemtoon aangesien toestande soos veneuse ontoereikendheid, ekseem, diepveneuse trombose en jig dikwels met sellulitis verwar word. Antibiotika wat gebruik word om cellulitis te behandel, word versigtig gekies om algemene bakterieë te teiken sonder om weerstand teen antibiotika aan te moedig. Ons praat ook oor nuwe antibiotika wat goedgekeur is vir cellulitis. Cellulitis kom dikwels terug as gevolg van voortdurende risikofaktore en skade aan die limfatiese stelsel. .
Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and soft tissues. It happens when there are issues with the skin's protective barrier, the immune system, or blood circulation. Diabetes, obesity, and old age increase the chances of cellulitis by affecting these areas. We also look at recent findings on diagnosing cellulitis, highlighting the importance of accurate diagnosis since conditions like venous insufficiency, eczema, deep vein thrombosis, and gout are often confused with cellulitis. Antibiotics used to treat cellulitis are chosen carefully to target common bacteria without encouraging antibiotic resistance. We also talk about new antibiotics approved for cellulitis. Cellulitis often comes back because of ongoing risk factors and damage to the lymphatic system..
Current Treatment Options for Acute Skin and Skin-structure Infections 30957166 NIH
Baie mense gaan na hospitale of noodkamers vir skielike bakteriële velinfeksies. Staphylococcus aureus is die hoofkiem wat hierdie infeksies veroorsaak, en dit word moeiliker om te behandel omdat sommige stamme bestand is teen algemene antibiotika.
Acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections are a common reason for seeking care at acute healthcare facilities, including emergency departments. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common organism associated with these infections, and the emergence of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has represented a considerable challenge in their treatment.
Prevalence and Therapies of Antibiotic-Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus 32257966 NIH
Staphylococcus aureus kan in twee tipes verdeel word op grond van hul reaksie op antibiotika: methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) , methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) . Oor die afgelope paar dekades, as gevolg van bakteriese evolusie en oorbenutting van antibiotika, het die weerstand van S. Aureus teen dwelms toegeneem, wat gelei het tot 'n wêreldwye toename in MRSA infeksiekoerse.
According to the sensitivity to antibiotic drugs, S. aureus can be divided into methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In recent decades, due to the evolution of bacteria and the abuse of antibiotics, the drug resistance of S. aureus has gradually increased, the infection rate of MRSA has increased worldwide.
Treatment of severe skin and soft tissue infections: a review 29278528 NIH
To review the salient features of the management of severe skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), including toxic shock syndrome, myonecrosis/gas gangrene, and necrotizing fasciitis.
Die bene en gesig is die mees algemene terreine wat betrokke is. Risikofaktore sluit in vetsug, beenswelling en ouderdom. Die bakterieë wat die meeste betrokke is, is streptokokke en Staphylococcus aureus.
Behandeling is tipies met antibiotika wat deur die mond geneem word, soos kefaleksien, amoksisillien of kloksasillien. Ongeveer 95% van mense is beter na 7 tot 10 dae se behandeling. Diegene met diabetes het egter dikwels slegter uitkomste.
Sellulitis is 'n algemene afwyking, en in die Verenigde Koninkryk was sellulitis die rede vir 1,6% van opnames in 'n hospitaal. Sellulitis in 2015 het tot sowat 16 900 sterftes wêreldwyd gelei.
○ Behandeling ― OTC-dwelms
Gevorderde sellulitis vereis behandeling met antibiotika wat slegs deur 'n dokter voorgeskryf word. As die letsel vinnig vorder en met koors en kouekoors gepaard gaan, is dit raadsaam om so gou moontlik 'n dokter te sien.
Die aanwending van 'n oor-die-toonbank antibiotika salf op vroeë letsels kan help. As die salf te dun aangewend word, sal dit dalk glad nie werk nie.
Gebruik OTC pynstillers soos acetaminophen om die pyn te verlig.
Hou voete skoon en behandel atleet se voet want atleet se voet verhoog die risiko van sellulitis.
○ Behandeling
#First-generation cephalosporins (e.g. Cefradine)
#Bacterial culture
#Third-generation cephalosporins (e.g. Cefditoren Pivoxil)