Confluent reticulated papillomatosis - Konfluente Retikuleerde Papillomatose
Konfluente Retikuleerde Papillomatose (Confluent reticulated papillomatosis) is 'n ongewone maar kenmerkende verworwe ichthyosiforme dermatose wat gekenmerk word deur aanhoudende donker, skubberige kolle wat geneig is om hoofsaaklik op die sentrale stam gelokaliseer te wees. Die siekte kan met Minocycline behandel word.

  • Tipiese geval ― Dit kom voor as 'n swart gepigmenteerde vlek met geen simptome (jeuk, pyn) om die middellyf nie.
  • Ernstige vorm
  • Die middellyf is 'n algemene plek.
References Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis 29083642 
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP) , ook genoem Gougerot-Carteaud-sindroom, spruit uit abnormale velselgroei. Dit verskyn as pynlose donker kolle wat kan saamsmelt in groter kolle, wat gewoonlik op die boonste bors en nek van tieners en jong volwassenes verskyn. Die aanvanklike behandelingskeuse is minosiklien.
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CRP), also known as Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome, is caused by disordered keratinization. It presents with asymptomatic hyperpigmented papules that can coalesce into plaques and are typically located on the upper trunk and neck of teens and young adults. First-line treatment is oral 'minocycline'.
 Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis: diagnostic and treatment challenges 27601929 
CRP verskyn gewoonlik as donker kolle en kolle sonder simptome op die vel rondom die nek, oksels, bo-bors en bo-rug. Soms kan dit versprei tot op die voorkop en af ​​na die pubiese area. Antibiotika soos minocycline het 'n voorkeurbehandelingskeuse geword.
CRP typically presents as asymptomatic hyperpigmented papules and plaques with peripheral reticulation over the nape, axillae, upper chest, and upper back, occasionally with extension superior to the forehead and inferior to the pubic region. Antibiotics, such as 'minocycline', at anti-inflammatory doses have emerged as a preferred therapeutic option.