Folliculitis - Follikulitis
Follikulitis (Folliculitis) is die infeksie en ontsteking van haarfollikels. Dit kan oral op haarbedekte vel voorkom en kan as puisies voorkom. Die meeste gevalle van follikulitis ontwikkel uit Staphylococcus aureus.

Die meeste eenvoudige gevalle los op hul eie op, maar eerste-lyn behandelings is tipies aktuele salf. Aktuele antibiotika, soos mupirosien of neomisien/polimiksien B/basitrasiensalf kan voorgeskryf word. Orale antibiotika kan ook gebruik word. Swamfollikulitis (pityrosporum folliculitis) kan 'n mondelinge antifungale middel vereis.

Alle medikasie vir die behandeling van aknee help ook met follikulitis. Benzoylperoksied en azelaïensuur help om follikulitis letsels te behandel. OTC-antibiotiese salf kan ook in sommige suppuratiewe gevalle gebruik word.
#Benzoyl peroxide [OXY-10]
#Adapalene gel [Differin]
☆ In die 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultate van Duitsland was verbruikerstevredenheid met ModelDerm net effens laer as met betaalde telemedisyne-konsultasies.
  • As daar een of twee is, is dit gewoonlik net puisies
  • Antibiotiese salf kan geprobeer word as verskeie letsels skielik voorkom.
  • Ernstige vorm
  • Dit kom dikwels voor as 'n groot aantal pustels wat skielik op die bolyf voorkom.
  • 'n Aknee-vormige, nie-jeukerige uitslag wat skielik op die bolyf voorkom.
  • Sulke groot enkele letsels word dikwels deur kieme soos S. aureus veroorsaak. Jy kan oorweeg om antibiotika te neem.
  • Acne vulgaris op baie olierige vel. Aknee is 'n tipe follikulitis wat in adolessensie voorkom.
  • As die abses ingesny en gedreineer word, sal dit vinniger genees.
References Folliculitis 31613534 
Folliculitis is 'n algemene veltoestand waar haarfollikels besmet of ontsteek word, wat pustels of rooi knoppe op die vel tot gevolg het. Dit word dikwels veroorsaak deur bakteriële infeksie van die haarfollikels, maar kan ook veroorsaak word deur swamme, virusse of nie-aansteeklike faktore.
Folliculitis is a common, generally benign, skin condition in which the hair follicle becomes infected/inflamed and forms a pustule or erythematous papule of overlying hair-covered skin. Most commonly, folliculitis is caused by bacterial infection of the superficial or deep hair follicle. However, this condition may also be caused by fungal species, viruses and can even be noninfectious in nature.
 Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis 24688625 
Malassezia (Pityrosporum) folliculitis is 'n veltoestand wat soos aknee lyk, maar wat eintlik deur 'n swam veroorsaak word. Dit word dikwels verwar met algemene aknee. Selfs al is dit soortgelyk aan aknee, kan gewone aknee-behandelings dit dalk nie heeltemal opklaar nie, en dit kan vir jare duur. Hierdie toestand gebeur wanneer sekere gis in ons vel te veel groei. Faktore soos verswakte immuunstelsel of die gebruik van antibiotika kan dit vererger. Dit verskyn gewoonlik as rooi knoppe of puisies op die bors, rug, arms en gesig. Orale antifungale middels werk die beste en kan simptome vinnig verbeter. Soms is dit nodig om beide die swaminfeksie en aknee saam te behandel.
Malassezia (Pityrosporum) folliculitis is a fungal acneiform condition commonly misdiagnosed as acne vulgaris. Although often associated with common acne, this condition may persist for years without complete resolution with typical acne medications. Malassezia folliculitis results from overgrowth of yeast present in the normal cutaneous flora. Eruptions may be associated with conditions altering this flora, such as immunosuppression and antibiotic use. The most common presentation is monomorphic papules and pustules, often on the chest, back, posterior arms, and face. Oral antifungals are the most effective treatment and result in rapid improvement. The association with acne vulgaris may require combinations of both antifungal and acne medications.
 Special types of folliculitis which should be differentiated from acne 29484091 
Hierdie artikel stel verskeie tipes follikulitis bekend wat van aknee onderskei moet word - superficial pustular folliculitis (SPF) , folliculitis barbae and sycosis barbae, perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens, folliculitis keloidalis nuchae, actinic folliculitis, eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (EPF) , malassezia folliculitis and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor-induced papulopustular eruption.
In this article, we introduce several special types of folliculitis which should be differentiated from acne, including superficial pustular folliculitis(SPF), folliculitis barbae and sycosis barbae, perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens, folliculitis keloidalis nuchae, actinic folliculitis, eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (EPF), malassezia folliculitis and epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) inhibitor-induced papulopustular eruption.