Keratoacanthoma - Keratoakantoom
☆ In die 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultate van Duitsland was verbruikerstevredenheid met ModelDerm net effens laer as met betaalde telemedisyne-konsultasies. Tipies Keratoakantoom (Keratoacanthoma)
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relevance score : -100.0%
References An Updated Review of the Therapeutic Management of Keratoacanthomas 36588786 NIH
Keratoacanthoma (KA) is 'n gereelde velgewas wat bekend is vir sy vinnige groei en potensiaal om op sy eie te regresseer. Dit kom tipies voor by ouer mans met 'n ligte vel met 'n geskiedenis van sonskade. Terwyl chirurgiese verwydering met uitsny of Mohs mikrografiese chirurgie die gewone behandeling is, is daar verskeie ander terapie-opsies beskikbaar.
Keratoacanthoma (KA) is a common cutaneous tumor characterized by rapid growth and possible spontaneous regression. It most commonly affects older, fair-skinned males with significantly sun damaged skin. Although surgical removal with excision or Mohs micrographic surgery remains the standard of therapy, there are many alternative therapeutic modalities that can be utilized.
A Clinical, Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Approach to the Bewildering Diagnosis of Keratoacanthoma 25191656 NIH
Keratoacanthoma (KA) is 'n laegraadse gewas wat in sekere kliere in die vel begin en onder 'n mikroskoop soortgelyk aan squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) lyk. Daar is voortdurende debat oor of KA as 'n vorm van indringende SCC geklassifiseer moet word.
Keratoacanthoma (KA) is a comparatively common low-grade tumor that initiates in the pilo-sebaceous glands and pathologically mimics squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Essentially, strong debates confirm classifying keratoacanthoma as a variant of invasive SCC. The clinical behavior of KA is hardly predictable and the differential diagnosis of keratoacanthoma and other conditions with keratoacanthoma-like pseudocarcinomatous epithelial hyperplasia is challenging, both clinically and histopathologically.
Intralesional Treatments for Invasive Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma 38201585 NIH
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is die tweede mees algemene tipe kanker by mense, veral onder ouer individue. Chirurgie word tipies gebruik om cSCC te behandel, maar vir sommige pasiënte wat nie chirurgie kan ondergaan nie of kies om dit nie te doen nie, kan ander opsies soos intralesionale behandelings oorweeg word. Tradisionele intralesionale behandelings (methotrexate or 5-fluorouracil) is gebruik, maar daar is voortdurende navorsing oor nuwe benaderings soos intralesionale immunoterapie en onkolitiese viroterapie. Hierin sal ons kyk na verskillende intralesionale behandelings vir cSCC, wat wissel van klassieke metodes tot die nuutste strategieë.
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the second most frequent cancer in humans, and it is especially common in fragile, elderly people. Surgery is the standard treatment for cSCC but intralesional treatments can be an alternative in those patients who are either not candidates or refuse to undergo surgery. Classic intralesional treatments, including methotrexate or 5-fluorouracil, have been implemented, but there is now a landscape of active research to incorporate intralesional immunotherapy and oncolytic virotherapy into the scene, which might change the way we deal with cSCC in the future. In this review, we focus on intralesional treatments for cSCC (including keratoacanthoma), from classic to very novel strategies.
Onder die mikroskoop kom keratoakantoom (keratoacanthoma) baie ooreen met plaveiselkarsinoom. Terwyl sommige patoloë keratoakantoom (keratoacanthoma) as 'n duidelike entiteit klassifiseer en nie 'n maligniteit nie, vorder ongeveer 6% van kliniese en histologiese keratoakantoom (keratoacanthoma) tot indringende en aggressiewe plaveiselkanker.
○ Diagnose en behandeling
#Skin biopsy