Lupus erythematosus
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Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Progress and Challenges 32248318 NIH
Die identifisering en klassifikasie van cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) stel diagnostiese uitdagings, en onderskei dit van systemic lupus erythematosus met velbetrokkenheid. Onlangse studies werp lig op genetiese, omgewings- en immunologiese faktore onderliggend aan CLE. Dwelm-induksie het spesifiek na vore gekom as een van die belangrikste snellers vir CLE. Behandeling behels aktuele en sistemiese terapieë, insluitend belowende biologiese middels (belimumab, rituximab, ustekinumab, anifrolumab, BIIB059) , met gedemonstreerde doeltreffendheid in kliniese proewe.
Diagnostic challenges exist in better defining cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) as an independent disease distinct from systemic lupus erythematosus with cutaneous features and further classifying CLE based on clinical, histological, and laboratory features. Recent mechanistic studies revealed more genetic variations, environmental triggers, and immunologic dysfunctions that are associated with CLE. Drug induction specifically has emerged as one of the most important triggers for CLE. Treatment options include topical agents and systemic therapies, including newer biologics such as belimumab, rituximab, ustekinumab, anifrolumab, and BIIB059 that have shown good clinical efficacy in trials.
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Diagnosis and treatment 24238695 NIH
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) dek verskeie velkwessies, waarvan sommige met breër gesondheidsprobleme kan verband hou. Dit word in verskillende tipes gekategoriseer, soos acute CLE (ACLE) , sub-acute CLE (SCLE) , and chronic CLE (CCLE) . CCLE bestaan uit discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) , LE profundus (LEP) , chilblain cutaneous lupus, and lupus tumidus.
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) encompasses a wide range of dermatologic manifestations, which may or may not be associated with the development of systemic disease. Cutaneous lupus is divided into several sub-types, including acute CLE (ACLE), sub-acute CLE (SCLE) and chronic CLE (CCLE). CCLE includes discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), LE profundus (LEP), chilblain cutaneous lupus and lupus tumidus.
Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: An Update on Pathogenesis and Future Therapeutic Directions 37140884 NIH
Lupus erythematosus is 'n groep outo-immuun siektes wat verskillende dele van die liggaam kan affekteer. Sommige tipes, soos systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) , beïnvloed verskeie organe, terwyl ander, soos cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) , hoofsaaklik die vel affekteer. Ons kategoriseer verskillende tipes CLE gebaseer op 'n mengsel van kliniese tekens, weefselondersoek en bloedtoetse, maar daar is baie variasie tussen individue. Velprobleme ontwikkel dikwels as gevolg van faktore soos blootstelling aan sonlig, rook of sekere medikasie.
Lupus erythematosus comprises a spectrum of autoimmune diseases that may affect various organs (systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]) or the skin only (cutaneous lupus erythematosus [CLE]). Typical combinations of clinical, histological and serological findings define clinical subtypes of CLE, yet there is high interindividual variation. Skin lesions arise in the course of triggers such as ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, smoking or drugs
Die oorsaak van lupus erythematosus is nie duidelik nie. Onder identiese tweelinge, as een aangetas is, is daar 'n 24% kans dat die ander een ook sal wees. Vroulike geslagshormone, sonlig, rook, vitamien D-tekort en sekere infeksies verhoog ook die risiko.
Behandelings kan NSAID's, kortikosteroïede, immuunonderdrukkers, hidroksichlorokien en metotreksaat insluit. Alhoewel kortikosteroïede doeltreffend is, het langtermyngebruik newe-effekte tot gevolg.