Lymphangioma - Limfangioom
☆ In die 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultate van Duitsland was verbruikerstevredenheid met ModelDerm net effens laer as met betaalde telemedisyne-konsultasies. relevance score : -100.0%
References Recent Progress in Lymphangioma 34976885 NIH
Lymphangioma staan ook bekend as limfatiese misvorming (LM) . Dit is 'n vaskulêre afwyking wat vanaf geboorte teenwoordig is. Dit word gekenmerk deur abnormale groei van limfatiese weefsel voor en na geboorte. Lymphangioma raak ongeveer 1 uit 2000 tot 4000 mense, met geen noemenswaardige verskil tussen geslagte of rasse nie. Die meeste gevalle (80–90%) word voor die ouderdom van twee gediagnoseer. Simptome verskil baie, van gelokaliseerde swelling tot uitgebreide abnormaliteite in die limfatiese kanale, wat soms lei tot ernstige swelling bekend as olifantiase. Byvoorbeeld, lymphangioma in die nek en gesig kan swelling van die gesig veroorsaak, en in ernstige gevalle, ontsiering. Wanneer dit die tong aantas, kan dit lei tot kakebeen oorgroei en verkeerde tande. In die mond en nek kan dit asemhalingsprobleme en lewensgevaarlike noodgevalle veroorsaak. In die oë kan dit sigverlies, beperkte oogbeweging, hangende ooglede en bultende oë veroorsaak. Ledemaatbetrokkenheid kan swelling en abnormale groei van weefsels en bene veroorsaak. Hierdie gewas groei gewoonlik stadig, maar infeksies, hormonale veranderinge of beserings kan vinnige groei veroorsaak, wat lewensgevaarlike risiko's inhou wat dringende behandeling vereis.
Lymphangioma (lymphatic malformation, LM), a congenital vascular disease, is a low-flow vascular abnormality in lymphatic diseases that is characterized by excessive growth of lymphatic tissue during prenatal and postpartum development. The incidence rate of LM is ~1:2000–4000, with no variation between genders and races. Most patients (80–90%) are diagnosed before the age of two. The clinical manifestations of lymphangioma are quite different among patients, varying from local swelling leading to superficial mass to a large area of diffuse infiltrating lymphatic channel abnormalities resulting in elephantiasis. Cervicofacial LM can cause facial elephantiasis, and in some severe cases, it can lead to serious disfigurement of the face. Tongue LM can lead to mandibular overgrowth and occlusal asymmetry, and oral and cervical LM can cause obstructive acute respiratory distress and life-threatening situations. Orbital LM may lead to decreased vision, decreased extraocular muscle movement, ptosis and exophthalmos. LM of the extremities can trigger swelling or gigantism, accompanied by overgrowth of soft tissue and bones. LM usually grows slowly and steadily, but under certain conditions, such as infection, hormonal changes or trauma, it can grow explosively and become a life-threatening disease requiring immediate treatment.
Lymphangioma: Is intralesional bleomycin sclerotherapy effective? 22279495 NIH
In hierdie retrospektiewe studie het ons 24 kinders wat lymphangioma gehad het en behandel is met inspuitings van bleomisienoplossing vanaf Januarie 1999 tot Desember 2004, hersien. Meeste van die letsels (63%) het heeltemal weggegaan, 21% het 'n goeie reaksie gekry en 16% het nie goed gereageer nie. Twee pasiënte het die gewas later teruggekom, en twee ander het absesse gekry waar hulle die inspuitings gekry het. Gelukkig het ons geen ander groot probleme of newe-effekte gesien nie.
This is a retrospective study of 24 children diagnosed with lymphangioma and treated with intralesional injection of bleomycin aqueous solution from January 1999 to December 2004. Complete resolution was seen in 63% (15/24) of lesions, 21% (5/24) had good response and 16% (4/24) had poor response. The tumour recurred in 2 patients. Two other patients had abscess formation at the site of injection. No other serious complications or side effects were observed.
Surgical Resection of Acquired Vulvar Lymphangioma Circumscriptum - Case reports 24665431 NIH
Die hooftipes van lymphangioma is soos volg - lymphangioma circumscriptum, cavernous lymphangioma, cystic hygroma, lymphangioendothelioma. Dit maak ongeveer 26% van goedaardige vaskulêre gewasse by kinders uit, maar is minder algemeen by volwassenes. Lymphangioma circumscriptum , die mees algemene tipe, toon limfatiese buise wat deur die vel uitsteek en helder vloeistofgevulde vesikels vorm soortgelyk aan paddakuit, saam met weefselswelling. Dit verskyn tipies op gebiede met 'n ryk limfatiese netwerk soos die ledemate, romp en oksels. ’n 71-jarige vrou het na ons kliniek gekom met aanhoudende beenswelling, pienk knoppe op haar geslagsdele, jeuk en lekkende limfvloeistof. Ons het al die knoppe chirurgies verwyder met 'n prosedure wat bilaterale groot labiectomy genoem word, wat op Colles se fascia-vlak gestop het, terwyl die klitoris en fourchette bewaar word.
The predominant types of lymphangioma are lymphangioma circumscriptum (LC), cavernous lymphangioma, cystic hygroma, and lymphangioendothelioma. These entities account for approximately 26% of benign vascular tumors in children but are rarer in adults. LC is the most common form of cutaneous lymphangioma and is characterized by superficial lymphatic ducts protruding through the epidermis. This condition results in clusters of clear fluid-filled vesicles resembling frog spawn and associated tissue edema. It is usually found on the proximal extremity, trunk, and axilla, which has an abundant lymphatic system. A 71-year-old female presented to our outpatient clinic with persistent edema of both lower limbs, clusters of pink labial papules, pruritus, and watery lymph oozing. We removed all the papules by performing bilateral major labiectomy down to the level of Colles' fascia, sparing the clitoris and fourchette.