Pityriasis rosea
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Pityriasis Rosea 28846360 NIH
Pityriasis rosea is 'n tydelike veltoestand gekenmerk deur verhoogde kolle en skubbe. Dit begin gewoonlik met 'n enkele pleister, bekend as die herald patch , gevolg deur meer pleisters wat oor die volgende paar weke verskyn. Nie almal met pityriasis rosea sal egter hierdie aanvanklike pleister hê nie. Hierdie kolle vorm dikwels 'n kenmerkende patroon wat soos 'n Kersboom op die stam en boonste ledemate lyk.
Pityriasis rosea, also known as pityriasis circinata, roseola annulata, and herpes tonsurans maculosus is an acute self-limiting papulosquamous disorder. It is often characterized by an initial herald patch, followed by scaly oval patches within 2 weeks. However, the herald patch is not always present. The scaly oval patches typically distribute in a Christmas-tree pattern on the trunk and proximal extremities. This activity reviews the evaluation and treatment of pityriasis rosea and the importance of the interprofessional team in recognizing and managing patients with this condition.
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, pityriasis rosea, asymmetrical periflexural exanthem, unilateral mediothoracic exanthem, eruptive pseudoangiomatosis, and papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome: a brief review and arguments for diagnostic criteria 24470919 NIH
Pityriasis Rosea: Diagnosis and Treatment. 29365241Pityriasis rosea is 'n algemene uitslag wat gewoonlik met 'n enkele pleister op die romp begin en versprei om die romp en ledemate te bedek. Diagnose berus op kliniese ondersoek. Die aanvanklike kol lyk rooi met 'n verhoogde rand en versonke middelpunt. Die uitslag kom gewoonlik ongeveer twee weke later na vore. Pasiënte kan moegheid, naarheid, hoofpyn, gewrigspyn, geswelde limfkliere, koors en seer keel langs die uitslag ervaar. Soortgelyke toestande sluit in sifilis, seborrheic dermatitis, ekseem, en ander. Behandeling is daarop gemik om simptome met kortikosteroïede of antihistamiene te verlig. Acyclovir kan in sommige gevalle help. Ernstige gevalle kan baat vind by UV-fototerapie. Die siekte tydens swangerskap word soms aan miskraam gekoppel.
Pityriasis rosea is a common rash that usually begins with a single patch on the trunk and spreads to cover the trunk and limbs. Diagnosis relies on clinical examination. The initial patch appears red with a raised border and sunken center. The rash typically emerges about two weeks later. Patients may experience fatigue, nausea, headaches, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and sore throat alongside the rash. Similar conditions include syphilis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, and others. Treatment aims to alleviate symptoms with corticosteroids or antihistamines. Acyclovir may help in some cases. Severe instances may benefit from UV phototherapy. The disease during pregnancy sometimes has been linked to miscarriage.
Pityriasis rosea in pregnancy: A case series and literature review 35616213 NIH
In most cases, PR does not influence pregnancy or birth outcomes. Analysis of pooled data from our study and from previous studies revealed that the week of pregnancy at onset of PR was inversely associated with an unfavorable outcome (odds ratio [OR] = 0.937; 95 % CI 0.883 to 0.993). In addition, duration of PR (OR = 1.432; 95 % CI 1.129 to 1.827), additional extracutaneous symptoms (OR = 4.112; 95 % CI 1.580 to 10.23), and widespread rash distribution (OR 5.203, 95 % CI 1.702 to 14.89) were directly associated with unfavorable outcome.
Clinical variants of pityriasis rosea 28685133 NIH
Pityriasis rosea is 'n algemene veltoestand wat tipies tieners en jong volwassenes (ouderdom 10-35) affekteer, effens meer so by vroue. Dit begin skielik, gewoonlik met 'n enkele pleister bekend as 'n Herald patch op die romp, gevolg deur 'n uitslag van klein, pienkerige ovaal kolletjies omring deur 'n gryserige ring. Hierdie kolle vorm dikwels 'n patroon wat soos 'n Christmas tree op die stam lyk. Die uitslag duur gewoonlik vir ongeveer 6 tot 8 weke. Pityriasis rosea raak ongeveer 0,68% van mense wat 'n dermatoloog sien, maar dit kan wissel van 0,39% tot 4,8%.
Pityriasis rosea (PR) is a relatively common, self-limited papulo-squamous dermatosis of unknown origin, which mainly appears in adolescents and young adults (10-35 years), slightly more common in females. It has a sudden onset, and in its typical presentation, the eruption is preceeded by a solitary patch termed “herald patch”, mainly located on the trunk. Few days later, a secondary eruption appears, with little pink, oval macules, with a grayish peripheral scaling collarette around them. The secondary lesions adopt a characteristic distribution along the cleavage lines of the trunk, with a configuration of a “Christmas tree”. In most cases, the eruption lasts for 6 to 8 wk. Its incidence has been estimated to be 0.68% of dermatologic patients, varying from 0.39% to 4.8%.
Alhoewel die oorsaak nie heeltemal duidelik is nie, word geglo dat dit verwant is aan menslike herpesvirus 6 of menslike herpesvirus 7. Dit blyk nie aansteeklik te wees nie. Sekere medikasie kan 'n soortgelyke uitslag tot gevolg hê. Diagnose is gebaseer op die simptome en 'n biopsie is gewoonlik onnodig.
As 'n algemene siekte word ongeveer 1,3% van mense op 'n sekere tydstip aangetas. Dit kom meestal voor in diegene tussen die ouderdomme van 10 en 35.
○ Diagnose en behandeling
As dit langer as 1 maand aanhou, kan 'n gedetailleerde opwerking nodig wees om dit van ander siektes (parapsoriase, sifilis) te onderskei.
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