Porokeratosis - Porokeratosehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porokeratosis
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References Porokeratosis 30335323 NIH
Porokeratosis is 'n seldsame veltoestand wat gekenmerk word deur keratiniseringsprobleme, wat lei tot verhewe, ringvormige kolle of growwe knoppe op die vel. Die kenmerkende kenmerk daarvan onder die mikroskoop is die teenwoordigheid van cornoid lamella, 'n spesifieke rangskikking van selle in die vel se boonste laag. Porokeratosis kom in verskeie vorme voor (disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, classical porokeratosis of Mibelli, porokeratosis palmaris plantaris et disseminatum, linear porokeratosis) . Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat porokeratosis moontlik in velkanker kan ontwikkel. Die beste manier om porokeratosis te diagnoseer is deur 'n biopsie van die verhoogde grens, alhoewel daar tans geen standaard behandelingsprotokol is nie.
Porokeratosis is an uncommon dermatologic disorder. It is a disorder of keratinization that presents with keratotic papules or annular plaques with an elevated border. It has a distinct histologic hallmark of cornoid lamella, which is a column of tightly fitted parakeratotic cells in the upper epidermis. There are multiple clinical variants of porokeratosis, including disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, classical porokeratosis of Mibelli, porokeratosis palmaris plantaris et disseminatum, and linear porokeratosis. Porokeratosis is a precancerous lesion that can undergo malignant transformation. Evaluation of porokeratosis is best with a biopsy of the elevated border. There are no standard guidelines for treatment.
Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis 29083728 NIH
Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is 'n siekte van wanordelike keratinisering. Dit is een van ses tipes porokeratose, en dit raak tipies groter gebiede in vergelyking met die ander (linear, Mibelli's, punctate, palmoplantar disseminated, superficial porokeratosis) . Die eruptiewe tipe porokeratose skakel dikwels met kanker, verswakte immuniteit of inflammasie. Risikofaktore behels genetika, immuunonderdrukking en sonblootstelling. DSAP begin as pienk of bruin knoppe met verhoogde rande in son-blootgestelde gebiede, wat soms effense jeuk veroorsaak. Behandelings verskil en kan aktuele ys, ligterapie of medikasie soos 5-fluorouracil of retinoïede insluit. Hierdie letsels word as voorkankeragtig beskou, met 'n 7. 5 - 10 % kans om in plaveisel- of basaalselkarsinoom te verander.
Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is a disease of disordered keratinization. Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis is one of six variants of porokeratosis. It has more extensive involvement than most other variants. These other variants include linear porokeratosis, porokeratosis of Mibelli, punctate porokeratosis, porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, and disseminated superficial porokeratosis. The eruptive form of porokeratosis is associated with malignancy, immunosuppression, and a proinflammatory state. Risk factors for porokeratosis include genetics, immunosuppression, and ultraviolet light. The lesions in disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis start as pink to brown papules and macules with a raised border in sun-exposed areas that can be asymptomatic or slightly pruritic. There are many options for the treatment of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, including topical diclofenac, photodynamic therapy (PDT), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), imiquimod, vitamin D analogs, retinoids, and lasers. These lesions are considered precancerous. There is a 7.5 to 10% risk of malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma.
Porokeratosis of Mibelli - Case reports 33150040 NIH
'n 52-jarige man, voorheen gesond, het ingekom met 'n plat, ringvormige pleister aan die einde van sy vierde toon, wat al 2 jaar daar was sonder om enige simptome te veroorsaak. Dit het begin as 'n klein, harde bult en het mettertyd uitwaarts gegroei. Ten spyte van verskeie behandelings soos krioterapie, ys, antifungale middels en antibiotika, het die pleister nie beter geword nie. Deur dit noukeurig met 'n dermokopie te ondersoek, het 'n droë, rooi middelpunt met 'n dik, growwe rand getoon. 'n Klein stukkie vel wat van die rand van die pleister geneem is, het abnormale selgroei in die buitenste laag van die vel getoon, wat 'n diagnose van porokeratosis of Mibelli bevestig.
A 52-year-old man with no past medical history presented with an asymptomatic annular atrophic patch on the distal portion of the fourth toe of 2 years’ duration. The lesion began as a small keratotic papule that gradually enlarged centrifugally. He had received multiple treatments including cryotherapy, topical corticosteroids, antifungals, and antibiotics without improvement. Dermoscopic examination revealed a scaly atrophic erythematous central area with a sharply demarcated peripheral hyperkeratotic structure. A skin biopsy of the edge of the lesion revealed a cornoid lamella with a column of parakeratotic cells extending from an invagination of the epidermis with absence of granular layer. The clinicopathologic correlation was consistent with porokeratosis of Mibelli.
Dikwels word 'n biopsie uitgevoer omdat dit soortgelyk kan lyk aan aktiniese keratose of plaveiselkarsinoom.