Portwine stain - Portwine Vlekhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port-wine_stain
Portwine Vlek (Portwine stain) is 'n verkleuring van die menslike vel wat veroorsaak word deur 'n kapillêre misvorming in die vel. Hulle is so genoem vir hul kleur, wat in kleur soortgelyk is aan portwyn, 'n rooiwyn uit Portugal. portwine vlek (portwine stain) is 'n kapillêre misvorming wat by geboorte gesien word. portwine vlek (portwine stain) bly dwarsdeur die lewe. Die area van die vel wat geraak word, groei in verhouding tot algemene groei.

portwine vlek (portwine stain) kom die meeste voor op die gesig, maar kan oral op die liggaam voorkom, veral op die nek, boonste romp, arms en bene. Vroeë vlekke is gewoonlik plat en pienk in voorkoms. Soos die kind volwasse word, kan die kleur verdiep tot 'n donkerrooi of pers kleur. In volwassenheid kan verdikking van die letsel of die ontwikkeling van klein knoppe voorkom.

Vaskulêre lasers is ietwat doeltreffend, maar vereis duur lasertoerusting en langtermynbehandeling oor etlike jare. Soos letsels verdik met ouderdom, kan laserbehandeling minder effektief word, wat 'n probleem kan wees. Pienk letsels is oor die algemeen moeiliker om te behandel as rooi letsels omdat hulle diep vaskulariseer is.
#Dye laser (e.g. V-beam)
☆ In die 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultate van Duitsland was verbruikerstevredenheid met ModelDerm net effens laer as met betaalde telemedisyne-konsultasies.
  • Portwine Vlek (Portwine stain) kan met 'n laser behandel word, maar dit is duur en tydrowend.
    References A retrospective 10 years‐ experience overview of dye laser treatments for vascular pathologies 37632184 
    Flash-lamp pulsed dye laser (FPDL) word nou algemeen erken as die mees akkurate laser wat beskikbaar is vir die behandeling van vaskulêre probleme op oppervlakvlak. In hierdie studie het ons data ingesamel wat strek oor 'n dekade se ondervinding met behulp van kleurstoflaserbehandeling vir pasiënte met verskeie vaskulêre toestande (telangiectasia, rhinophyma, port-wine stains, cherry and spider angiomas, and vascular tumors such as cherry angiomas, infantile hemangiomas, port wine stains, rhinophyma, spider angiomas, and telangiectasia) .
    The Flash‐lamp pulsed dye laser (FPDL) is nowadays considered the most precise laser currently on the market for treating superficial vascular lesions. In this study, we gathered data from 10 years of experience regarding dye laser treatment of patients presenting vascular malformations such as telangiectasia, rhinophyma, port‐wine stain, cherry and spider angioma and vascular tumours: cherry angioma, infantile haemangioma, port wine stain, rhinophyma, spider angioma, telangiectasia
     Nevus Flammeus 33085401 
    Port-wine stain (PWS) is ook bekend as nevus flammeus. Dit is 'n pienk of rooi kol op 'n baba se vel wat deur abnormale bloedvate veroorsaak word. Dit is teenwoordig by geboorte en bly lewenslank, wat gewoonlik op die gesig verskyn. Dit is belangrik om dit te onderskei van 'n nevus simplex of salmvlek, wat mettertyd vervaag.
    Nevus flammeus or port-wine stain (PWS) is a non-neoplastic congenital dermal capillary hamartomatous malformation presenting as a pink or red patch on a newborn's skin. It is a congenital skin condition that can affect any part of the body and persists throughout life. The nevus flammeus is a well-defined, often unilateral, bilateral, or centrally positioned pink to red patch that appears on the face at birth and is made up of distorted capillary-like vessels. It needs to be differentiated from a nevus simplex/salmon patch, which is usually seen along the midline and disappears over time. An acquired port-wine stain, clinically and histopathologically indistinguishable from congenital capillary malformation, has been reported to develop in adolescents or adults, usually following trauma.
     Consensus Statement for the Management and Treatment of Port-Wine Birthmarks in Sturge-Weber syndrome 33175124 
    Die behandeling van PWS is belangrik om die impak daarvan op geestesgesondheid te verminder en om nodulariteit en weefselvergroting te verminder. Om vroeg met behandeling te begin, kan tot beter resultate lei. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) word algemeen beskou as die beste opsie vir alle soorte PWS, ongeag hul grootte, waar hulle is of hul kleur.
    Treatment of PWB is indicated to minimize psychosocial impact and diminish nodularity, and potentially tissue hypertrophy. Better outcomes may be attained if treatments are started at an earlier age. In the United States, pulsed dye laser (PDL) is the gold standard for all PWB regardless of the lesion size, location, or color. When performed by experienced physicians, laser treatment can be performed safely on patients of all ages. The choice of using general anesthesia in young patients is a complex decision which must be considered on a case by case basis.