Striae distensae
Striae distensae is 'n vorm van littekens op die vel met 'n onkleurige tint. Met verloop van tyd kan hulle verminder, maar sal nie heeltemal verdwyn nie. Striae word veroorsaak deur skeur van die dermis tydens periodes van vinnige groei van die liggaam, soos tydens puberteit of swangerskap, waarin hulle gewoonlik gedurende die laaste trimester vorm. Gewoonlik op die maag kom hierdie striae ook algemeen op die borste, dye, heupe, lae rug en boude voor. Striae kan ook beïnvloed word deur die hormonale veranderinge wat verband hou met puberteit, swangerskap of hormoonvervangingsterapie. Daar is geen bewyse dat ys wat tydens swangerskap gebruik word, rekmerke voorkom nie.

Dit gebeur wanneer jy te vinnig gewig optel. In hierdie geval, kan onmiddellik gewig verloor help om te voorkom dat simptome vererger.

☆ In die 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultate van Duitsland was verbruikerstevredenheid met ModelDerm net effens laer as met betaalde telemedisyne-konsultasies.
  • Die mees algemene ligging is rondom die maag.
  • Striae distensae (stretch marks)
  • Striae distensae (stretch marks)
  • Geassosieer met ernstige vetsug.
References Striae Distensae Treatment Review and Update 31334056 
Strekmerke is 'n algemene veltoestand wat meestal by vroue van 5 tot 50 jaar voorkom. Dit kan kosmetiese bekommernisse en emosionele nood veroorsaak, veral by vroue en sekere beroepe waar voorkoms belangrik is. Behandelings sluit dikwels ys soos tretinoïen en glikolsuur in, sowel as laserterapieë (carbon dioxide, Er:YAG) .
Striae distansae (SD) or stretch marks are very common, asymptomatic, skin condition frequently seen among females between 5 to 50 years of ages. It often causes cosmetic morbidity and psychological distress, particularly in women and in certain professions where physical appearances have significant importance. Commonly cited treatments include topical treatments like tretinoin, glycolic acid, ascorbic acid and various lasers including (like) carbon dioxide, Er:YAG, diode, Q-switched Nd:YAG, pulse dye and excimer laser. Other devices like radiofrequency, phototherapy and therapies like platelet rich plasma, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, needling, carboxytherapy and galvanopuncture have also been used with variable success.
 New Progress in Therapeutic Modalities of Striae Distensae 36213315 
Topical treatment modalities are mainly used as an adjunctive treatment. Ablative lasers and non-ablative lasers are the most popular, among which picosecond has been tried in striae distensae treatment in the last two years. Combined treatment modalities are currently a hot spot for SD treatment, and microneedle radiofrequency and fractional CO2 laser combined with other treatments are the most common. Microneedle radiofrequency is the most commonly used and achieved therapeutic effect among the combined treatment modalities.