☆ እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2022 ከጀርመን የስቲፍቱንግ ዋረንቴስት ውጤቶች ፣ በሞዴልደርም የተገልጋዮች እርካታ ከሚከፈልባቸው የቴሌሜዲኬን ምክሮች በትንሹ ያነሰ ነበር። relevance score : -100.0%
References Impetigo: Diagnosis and Treatment 25250996Impetigo is the most common bacterial skin infection in children two to five years of age. There are two principal types: nonbullous (70% of cases) and bullous (30% of cases). Nonbullous impetigo, or impetigo contagiosa, is caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, and is characterized by honey-colored crusts on the face and extremities. Impetigo primarily affects the skin or secondarily infects insect bites, eczema, or herpetic lesions. Bullous impetigo, which is caused exclusively by S. aureus, results in large, flaccid bullae and is more likely to affect intertriginous areas. Both types usually resolve within two to three weeks without scarring, and complications are rare, with the most serious being poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Treatment includes topical antibiotics such as mupirocin, retapamulin, and fusidic acid. Oral antibiotic therapy can be used for impetigo with large bullae or when topical therapy is impractical. Amoxicillin/clavulanate, dicloxacillin, cephalexin, clindamycin, doxycycline, minocycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and macrolides are options, but penicillin is not. Topical disinfectants are inferior to antibiotics and should not be used. Empiric treatment considerations have changed with the increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, with methicillin-resistant S. aureus, macrolide-resistant streptococcus, and mupirocin-resistant streptococcus all documented. Fusidic acid, mupirocin, and retapamulin cover methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and streptococcal infections. Clindamycin proves helpful in suspected methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole covers methicillin-resistant S. aureus infection, but is inadequate for streptococcal infection.
Impetigo 28613693 NIH
Impetigo በተወሰኑ ባክቴሪያ የሚመጣ የተለመደ የቆዳ ኢንፌክሽን ሲሆን በቀላሉ በንክኪ ይተላለፋል። ብዙውን ጊዜ በቢጫ ቅርፊት የተሸፈነ ቀይ ሽፋን ሆኖ ይታያል እና ማሳከክ ወይም ህመም ሊያስከትል ይችላል. ይህ ኢንፌክሽን በሞቃታማና እርጥበት ቦታዎች ውስጥ በሚኖሩ ልጆች ላይ በጣም የተለመደ ነው. እንደ አረፋ ወይም ያለ እነርሱ ሊታይ ይችላል. ብዙ ጊዜ ፊቱን ቢጎዳም፣ በቆዳው ላይ መቋረጥ ባለበት በማንኛውም ቦታ ሊከሰት ይችላል። ምርመራው በዋነኛነት በህመም ምልክቶች እና በምን መልኩ ላይ የተመሰረተ ነው። ሕክምናው ብዙውን ጊዜ ፀረ-ተውሳኮችን ያጠቃልላል, ሁለቱም የአካባቢ እና የአፍ, ከምልክቶች አያያዝ ጋር.
Impetigo is a common infection of the superficial layers of the epidermis that is highly contagious and most commonly caused by gram-positive bacteria. It most commonly presents as erythematous plaques with a yellow crust and may be itchy or painful. The lesions are highly contagious and spread easily. Impetigo is a disease of children who reside in hot humid climates. The infection may be bullous or nonbullous. The infection typically affects the face but can also occur in any other part of the body that has an abrasion, laceration, insect bite or other trauma. Diagnosis is typically based on the symptoms and clinical manifestations alone. Treatment involves topical and oral antibiotics and symptomatic care.
Impetigo በተለምዶ በስቴፕሎኮከስ Aureus ወይም በስትሮፕቶኮከስ ፒዮጂንስ ምክንያት ነው። ከግንኙነት ጋር በአካባቢው ወይም በሰዎች መካከል ሊሰራጭ ይችላል. በልጆች ላይ, ለወንድሞቻቸው እና እህቶቻቸው ተላላፊ ነው.
ሕክምናው በተለምዶ እንደ ሙፒሮሲን ወይም ፉሲዲክ አሲድ ባሉ አንቲባዮቲክ ክሬሞች ነው። ትላልቅ ቦታዎች ከተጎዱ እንደ ሴፋሌክሲን ያሉ አንቲባዮቲክስ በአፍ ሊጠቀሙ ይችላሉ.
እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2010 ወደ 140 ሚሊዮን ሰዎች (2% የዓለም ህዝብ) ተጎድቷል ። በማንኛውም ዕድሜ ላይ ሊከሰት ይችላል ፣ ግን በትናንሽ ሕፃናት ውስጥ በጣም የተለመደ ነው። ውስብስቦቹ ሴሉላይትስ ወይም ድህረ-ስትሬፕቶኮካል ግሎሜሩሎኔphritis ሊያካትቱ ይችላሉ።
○ ህክምና ― OTC መድሃኒቶች
* ኢምፔቲጎ ተላላፊ በሽታ ስለሆነ የስቴሮይድ ቅባቶች ጥቅም ላይ መዋል የለባቸውም። የ impetigo ጉዳቶችን ከኤክማማ ለመለየት ከተቸገሩ፣ እባክዎን የስቴሮይድ ቅባቶችን ሳይጠቀሙ የ OTC ፀረ-ሂስታሚን ይውሰዱ።
#OTC antihistamine
* እባክዎን የኦቲሲ አንቲባዮቲክ ቅባት በቁስሉ ላይ ይተግብሩ።