Pityriasis amiantacea
☆ እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2022 ከጀርመን የስቲፍቱንግ ዋረንቴስት ውጤቶች ፣ በሞዴልደርም የተገልጋዮች እርካታ ከሚከፈልባቸው የቴሌሜዲኬን ምክሮች በትንሹ ያነሰ ነበር። relevance score : -100.0%
Pityriasis amiantacea - Case reports 25506575 NIH
አንድ የ14 ዓመት ልጅ በጭንቅላቱ ላይ በተለይም ከፊትና በላይኛው ወፍራም ቢጫ-ቡናማ ቅርፊቶች ይዞ ገባ። የተጎዱት ቦታዎች ቀይ እና ቅርፊቶች ነበሩ, የፀጉር መርገፍ ግን ምንም ጠባሳ የለም. የፈንገስ ሙከራዎች አሉታዊ ነበሩ.
A 14-year-old male patient presented with focal masses of thick, adherent, plate like, yellow-brown scales, attached to the hair shafts, predominantly affecting the fronto-parietal area and vertex of the scalp. The underlying scalp had thick, erythematous plaques with fine, non greasy, silvery-white scaling with noncicatricial alopecia. Potassium hydroxide examination of scales and hair and culture for fungus was negative.
Pityriasis amiantacea: a study of seven cases 27828657 NIH
The disease may be secondary to any skin condition that primarily affects the scalp, including seborrheic dermatitis. Its pathogenesis remains uncertain. We aim to analyze the epidemiological and clinical profiles of patients with pityriasis amiantacea to better understand treatment responses. We identified seven cases of pityriasis amiantacea and a female predominance in a sample of 63 pediatric patients with seborrheic dermatitis followed for an average of 20.4 months. We reported a mean age of 5.9 years. Five patients were female, with a mean age of 9 years. All patients were successfully treated with topic ketoconazole.
Pityriasis amiantacea እንደ የሚያብረቀርቅ ወፍራም ቅርፊቶች የራስ ቆዳን ይጎዳል። ሚዛኖቹ የፀጉሩን እብጠቶች ይከብባሉ እና ያስራሉ። ሁኔታው በአካባቢው ወይም በጠቅላላው የራስ ቅሉ ላይ ሊሸፍን ይችላል. ጊዜያዊ alopecia እና ጠባሳ alopecia ሊከሰት ይችላል ምክንያቱም ሚዛን ላይ የተያያዙ ፀጉሮች ተደጋጋሚ መወገድ. ያልተለመደ በሽታ ነው.
○ ህክምና ― OTC መድሃኒቶች
* ዩሪያን የያዙ የኬራቶሊቲክ ወኪሎች ወፍራም ሚዛኑን ለማከም ይረዳሉ።
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