Syringomas are benign eccrine sweat duct tumors, typically found clustered on eyelids. They are skin-colored or yellowish firm, rounded bumps, 1–3 mm in diameter, and may be confused with xanthoma, milia, hidrocystoma, trichoepithelioma, and xanthelasma. They are more common in women and are most commonly found in middle-aged Asian women.
ሠላሳ አራት ታካሚዎች በሁለት ቡድን ተከፍለዋል (localized and generalized syringoma) . ታማሚዎቹ በአብዛኛው ሴቶች ሲሆኑ፣ ዘጠና ሰባት በመቶ ያህሉ ሲሆኑ፣ በአማካይ 28 አመት እድሜ ያላቸው ናቸው። ሕክምና ከመፈለግዎ በፊት, ቁስሎቹ በአማካይ ለስድስት ዓመታት ያህል ተገኝተዋል. Generalized syringoma በዋነኛነት ደረትን እና አንገትን ቀጥሎ ግንባሮቹን የሚነካ ሲሆን localized syringoma በዋነኛነት ግን ፊት ፣አክሲላ እና ብልት አካባቢ ይገኛል። Thirty-four patients were sorted into two groups, localized and generalized syringoma, according to the Friedman and Butler classification. Ninety-seven percent of the patients were females with the mean age of 27.6 years. The mean duration of the lesions before the presentations was six years. Distribution of the generalized syringoma was mainly in the chest and neck followed by the forearms whereas localized syringoma was mostly confined to the face, axilla and genitalia.
ጥናታችን በኮሪያ በሚገኘው የቆዳ ህክምና ክሊኒካችን በአራት አመት ጊዜ ውስጥ በሲሪንጎማ የተያዙ ስልሳ አንድ ታማሚዎችን ክሊኒካዊ እና ሂስቶፓቶሎጂያዊ ገፅታዎች ለመግለጽ ያለመ ነው። 6. 6 ሴቶች እና 1 ወንድ ጥምርታ ያለው ሲሪንጋማ በሴቶች ላይ የሚደርስ ሲሆን በተለይም በሁለተኛውና በሦስተኛው አስርት አመታት ህይወት ውስጥ ከግማሽ በላይ በሚሆኑት ታካሚዎች ውስጥ ይታያል። በብዛት የተጎዳው ቦታ የዐይን ሽፋኖች (71%) ሲሆን ቁስሎቹ በአብዛኛው የቆዳ ቀለም ያላቸው (49%) ናቸው። በ 56% ከሚሆኑት ጉዳዮች ላይ ታድፖል የሚመስሉ ባህሪያትን ተመልክተናል። ባሳል hyperpigmentation በቡና-ቀለም ቁስሎች ውስጥ በጣም የተለመደ ነበር, ፋይብሮሲስ ደግሞ በኤrythematous ቁስሎች ውስጥ በጣም የተለመደ ነበር. በተጨማሪም፣ ከብልት አካባቢ ጋር በተያያዙ ጉዳዮች ላይ keratin cysts ብዙም የተለመዱ አልነበሩም። The purpose of our study was to describe clinical and histopathological features of sixty one patients with histological diagnosis of syringoma over four year period in our dermatology clinic in Korea. Female:male ratio was 6.6:1 with onset of age during 2nd and 3rd decades in more than half of the patients in our study. The most frequently involved site was eyelids (43 cases, 70.5%) and the most common color of lesion was skin-color (30 cases, 49.2%). In 34 cases, characteristic tad-pole appearances (55.7%) were observed. Basal hyperpigmentation was observed more frequently in brown-colored lesion (p=0.005). Fibrosis was observed more frequently in erythematous lesion (p=0.033). Keratin cyst was observed less frequently in genital involved group (p=0.006).
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#Pinhole technique (Erbium or CO2 laser)