Depressed scar - Cicatrice Depressa☆ In i risultati Stiftung Warentest 2022 da Germania, a satisfaczione di i cunsumatori cù ModelDerm era solu ligeramente più bassu chè cù cunsultazioni di telemedicina pagate. relevance score : -100.0%
References Methods for the Improvement of Acne Scars Used in Dermatology and Cosmetology: A Review 35628870 NIH
Acne vulgaris hè una cundizione di a pelle à longu andà chì causa diversi tipi di brufoli cum'è punti neri è cisti. Se ùn hè micca trattatu bè, pò causà cicatrici. Questa rivista esplora diversi tipi di cicatrici di l'acne è modi per migliurà. Ci sò trè tippi principali: icepick, rolling, boxcar scars , chì varienu in prufundità è apparenza. Ci sò parechji trattamenti efficaci dispunibili, cumpresu lasers, radiofrequency, micro-needling, chemical peels.
Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin disease that, depending on its course, is characterized by the occurrence of various skin eruptions such as open and closed comedones, pustules, papules, and cysts. Incorrectly selected treatment or the presence of severe acne vulgaris can lead to the formation of atrophic scars. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on acne scars and methods for their improvement. There are three types of atrophic scars: icepick, rolling, and boxcar. They are of different depths and widths and have different cross-sections. Scars can combine to form clusters. If acne scars are located on the face, they can reduce the patient's quality of life, leading to isolation and depression. There are multiple effective modalities to treat acne scars. Ablative lasers, radiofrequency, micro-needling, and pilings with trichloroacetic acid have very good treatment results.
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of the ultra-pulse CO2 fractional laser in the treatment of depressed acne scars 35249351Stu studiu hà esaminatu 6 documenti nantu à quantu bè u laser fraccionale CO2 ultra-pulse tratta i cicatrici di l'acne depressu. I risultati anu dimustratu chì stu trattamentu laser era più efficau cumparatu cù altri metudi, purtendu à megliu risultati in quantu à i tassi di migliione è quantu liscia a pelle di i pazienti si sentia.
This study examined 6 papers about how well the ultra-pulse CO2 fractional laser treats depressed acne scars. The results showed that this laser treatment was more effective compared to other methods, leading to better outcomes in terms of improvement rates and how smooth patients' skin felt.
○ Trattamentu
#Ice pick scar - TCA peeling (CROSS technique)
#Rolling scar - Laser resurfacing by Erbium laser or fractional laser