Angiofibrom (Angiofibroma) er en hård papel, knude eller tumorlæsioner. Angiofibromer er nogle gange fejldiagnosticeret som acne. De betegnes på deres placeringer: 1) ansigt Fibrous papule 2) penis Pearly penile papule 3) under en fingernegl eller tånegl Periungual angiofibroma
Angiofibromas are small, reddish brown or even flesh-colored, smooth, shiny, 0.1 to 0.3 cm papules present over the sides of the nose and the medial portions of the cheeks. They contain fibrous tissue.
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Angiofibrom (Angiofibroma) har et udseende, der ligner acne. Læsionerne opstår hovedsageligt omkring næsen.
Cutaneous angiofibromas kan forekomme i forskellige dele af kroppen. I ansigtet er de ofte kendt som fibrøse papler eller adenom sebaceum; på penis hedder de pearly penile papules ; under neglen kaldes de periunguale angiofibromer eller Koenen-tumorer; og i munden omtales de som orale fibromer. Angiofibromer i ansigtet er et fremtrædende træk ved tuberous sclerosis (TS) , en arvelig lidelse, der påvirker hud, nyrer, hjerte, hjerne og lunger. De udvikler sig typisk i ansigtet i barndommen eller tidlig voksenalder hos personer med TS. At have tre eller flere angiofibromer i ansigtet eller to eller flere periunguale angiofibromer anses for at være signifikant ved diagnosticering af TS. Derudover kan flere ansigtsangiofibromer være til stede under tilstande (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) og Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome) . Pearly penile papules findes langs den koronale rand og sulcus af penis. De er vedvarende, smertefri buler, der oftere ses hos uomskårne mænd. Cutaneous angiofibromas can be located on different areas of the body including the face where they are commonly called fibrous papules or adenoma sebaceum on the penis where they are called pearly penile papules, underneath the nail where they are called periungual angiofibromas or Koenen tumors, and in the mouth where they are called oral fibromas. Facial angiofibromas are considered one of the most obvious clinical presentations of tuberous sclerosis (TS), an autosomal dominant hamartomatous disorder that affects the skin, kidneys, heart, brain, and lungs. With TS, angiofibromas typically arise on the face in childhood and early adulthood. Both facial angiofibromas (greater than or equal to 3 needed) and periungual angiofibroma (greater than or equal to 2 needed) are 2 of the major criteria for TS. Multiple facial angiofibromas are also found in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) and Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome. Pearly penile papules are chronic, asymptomatic, papules found on the coronal margin and sulcus of the penis. They are more common in uncircumcised men.
1) ansigt
Fibrous papule
2) penis
Pearly penile papule
3) under en fingernegl eller tånegl
Periungual angiofibroma