Milia is a clog of the eccrine sweat gland. It is a keratin-filled cyst that can appear just under the epidermis. Milia can also be confused with whiteheads. In children, milia often disappear within two to four weeks. For adults, they can be removed by a physician for cosmetic purpose.
○ Treatment It's not contagious. Careless removal may leave punctate scars around the eyes.
A milium (plural milia), also called a milk spot or an oil seed, is a clog of the eccrine sweat gland. It is a keratin-filled cyst that can appear just under the epidermis or on the roof of the mouth.
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Milia is more likely to occur if you rub your eyes frequently.
Milia (singular: milium) are benign and transient subepidermal keratin cysts that present as small firm white papules in various numbers most commonly distributed on the face, but they can also be present on other anatomical areas such as the upper trunk, extremities, and genital area (prepuce). The classification of milia includes primary and secondary. The vast majority of primary milia accounts for congenital milia that occur spontaneously and are present at birth, mainly over the nose, scalp, eyelids, cheeks, gum border (Bohn nodules), and palate (Epstein pearls). Still, there is another percentage of primary milia that may occur in association with certain rare genodermatoses (inherited genetic skin disorders) in children and adults. Meanwhile, secondary milia manifest in association with underlying skin pathology, medications, or skin trauma.
○ Treatment
It's not contagious. Careless removal may leave punctate scars around the eyes.