Poikiloderma is a skin condition that consists of areas of hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasias and atrophy. Poikiloderma is most frequently seen on the chest or the neck, characterized by red colored pigment on the skin that is commonly associated with sun damage.

☆ In the 2022 Stiftung Warentest results from Germany, consumer satisfaction with ModelDerm was only slightly lower than with paid telemedicine consultations.
      References Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Poikiloderma of Civatte: A Dermoscopy Cohort Study 36892344 
      Poikiloderma of Civatte (PC) is a rather common benign dermatosis of the neck and face, mainly affecting fair-skinned individuals, especially postmenopausal females. It is characterized by a combination of a reticular pattern of linear telangiectasia, mottled hyperpigmentation and superficial atrophy. Clinically, it involves symmetrically sun-exposed areas of the face, the neck, and the V-shaped area of the chest, invariably sparing the anatomically shaded areas. Depending on the prevalent clinical feature, PC can be classified into erythemato-telangiectatic, pigmented, and mixed clinical types. The etiopathogenesis of PC is incompletely understood. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation, hormonal changes of menopause, contact sensitization to perfumes and cosmetics, and normal ageing have been incriminated. The diagnosis is usually clinical and can be confirmed by histology, which is characteristic, but not pathognomonic. The course is slowly progressive and irreversible, often causing significant cosmetic disfigurement.