A skin tag, or acrochordon, is a small benign tumor that forms primarily in areas where the skin forms creases , such as the neck, armpit and groin.
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Mitu Pehme Fibroom (Soft fibroma) kaela alumisel küljel
Kuigi soft fibroma ilmuvad tavaliselt nahavoltidesse, nagu kael, kaenlaalused ja suguelundid, võivad need, kuigi harva, tekkida ka nibudele. Arstid peaksid nibude kõrvalekaldeid hinnates meeles pidama soft fibroma. Although soft fibromas occur in the intertriginous area, including on the neck, axillae, and vulvovaginal locations, in rare cases, they can develop in the nipple. Doctors should consider soft fibroma as one of the differential diagnoses for nipple lesions.