Vascular malformation - Vaskulaarne Väärareng
☆ Saksamaa 2022. aasta Stiftung Warentesti tulemustes oli tarbijate rahulolu ModelDermiga vaid veidi madalam kui tasuliste telemeditsiini konsultatsioonidega. relevance score : -100.0%
References Congenital arteriovenous malformation (ISSVA classification for vascular anomalies) - Case reports 38435403 NIH
Leidsime 7-aastase poisi, kelle paremal käel oli sünnist saati paistetus. Tema isa märkas, et see on läinud hullemaks ja poiss tunneb end paistetuse ümber hellalt. Talle tehti kuu aega tagasi protseduur ja nüüd on vaja teist. Me plaanime talle skleroteraapiat.
Presenting a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) finding of a 7 year, 5-month-old male who was brought to our rural hospital by his father with chief complaints of swelling over his right hand since birth. His father narrated that the swelling is increasing significantly and the child has tenderness over swelling. The child underwent an angioembolism 1 month ago and has been brought for re-embolism. Now sclerotherapy has been planned for the patient.