☆ Alemaniako Stiftung Warentest-en 2022ko emaitzetan, ModelDerm-ekin kontsumitzaileen gogobetetasuna apur bat txikiagoa izan zen ordaindutako telemedikuntzako kontsultekin baino. 

Kaloak ezkerreko oinean (plantoan) eta eskuineko oinean (alboan) daude.

Corns (calluses) simetrikoki gertatzen dira bi oinetan, presioa egiten den tokian edo oinetakoak oinaren kontra estutzen duen tokian. Presiorik gabeko eremu batean antzeko lesio bat gertatzen bada, garatxo bat susmatu behar da.
relevance score : -100.0%
Corns 29262147 NIH
Corns behin eta berriz igurtzi edo presiotik garatzen da. Corn azal lodiko eremu zehatz bat da, eta callus hedatuago dagoen bitartean. Corns askotan gertatzen da oinetako arazoak dituzten kirolarietan edo pertsonei, hala nola oinetakoen marruskadura irregularra. Adineko, diabetiko eta anputatuetan ere ohikoak dira. Corns egoera bakar bat baino sintoma gisa ikusi behar da.
A corn, also known as a calvus, heloma, or focal intractable plantar hyperkeratosis, is a type of callosity. Corns are uncomfortable, thickened skin lesions that result from repeated mechanical trauma due to friction or pressure forces. In the literature, confusing terminology is often used to call different types of hyperkeratotic skin lesions. Nevertheless, a corn should be distinguished from a callus, which is a more diffuse type of callosity. Thus, a corn is a well-delimited focal area of hyperkeratosis. This condition is often seen in athletes and patients exposed to unequal friction force from footwear or gait problems, including the elderly, patients with diabetes, and amputees. It should be regarded as a symptom rather than an effective disease.
Clavus 31536205 NIH
Corn , clavus izenez ere ezaguna, kliniketan ikusten den oin-egoera ohikoa da. Marruskadurak edo presioak eragindako larruazaleko eremu loditua da, askotan mingarria. Garrantzitsua da kailetatik edo garatxoetatik bereiztea. Kaloak antzekoak dira, baina erdiko muina ez dute eta ez dute mingarri gutxiago. Tratamenduak sintomak arintzea eta etorkizuneko artoak prebenitzea du helburu. Egoera mingarri hau tratatzeak pazienteen bizitza asko hobetu dezake, batez ere adineko edo aktiboen kasuan.
A clavus or clavi (plural) is a frequently encountered condition in the out-patient clinic, known colloquially as a corn. It is one of the many hyperkeratotic lesions of the foot and therefore requires differentiation from other etiologies such as calluses or plantar warts. A clavus is a well-demarcated thickened area of the epidermis that has a central core. This skin lesion is most commonly found on the foot and is often painful. A clavus results from repeated friction, pressure, or trauma to a specific area of the foot. A callus is another hyperkeratotic skin lesion that is similar to a clavus. It is an area of thickened epidermis with less defined borders and is also the result of repeated mechanical stress. Additionally, calluses lack the painful central core seen with clavi. Calluses most commonly present on the hands and feet. The older and the physically active are most commonly affected by clavi. Treatment focuses on symptomatic relief and lifestyle modification to prevent future clavus formation. By treating this painful and sometimes life-altering skin lesion, physicians can have a profound impact on their patients’ lives.
○ Tratamendua ― OTC Drogak
Garrantzitsua da garatxo bat ez dela ziurtatzea.
#Salicylic acid, brush applicator [Duofilm]
#Salicylic acid, self-adhesive bandages
#Salicylic acid, tube application
#40% urea cream