Pityriasis alba - Pitiriasia Alba
☆ Alemaniako Stiftung Warentest-en 2022ko emaitzetan, ModelDerm-ekin kontsumitzaileen gogobetetasuna apur bat txikiagoa izan zen ordaindutako telemedikuntzako kontsultekin baino. relevance score : -100.0%
Pityriasis Alba 28613715 NIH
Pityriasis alba larruazaleko gaixotasun arrunta eta kaltegabea da, gehienbat umeei eta nerabeei eragiten diena. Sarritan dermatitis atopikoaren zati txiki bat bezala ikusten da eta alergiekin lotuta dago jende gehienetan. Pityriasis alba azalean kolore argiko adabaki gisa agertzen da, normalean zirkuluetan edo obaloetan, batzuetan eskalatze eta azkura pixka batekin. Adabaki hauek aurpegian aurkitu ohi dira, batez ere masailetan, baita besoetan eta goiko gorputzean ere, eta azal-tonu ilunagoa duten pertsonengan nabaritzen dira. Hasieran, adabakiak gorri samarrak izan daitezke baina gero kolore argiago batera joango dira denborarekin. Eguzkiaren esposizioak agerikoagoak izan daitezke, eta horrek pazienteak edo gurasoak kezkatu ditzake, baina pityriasis alba normalean bere kabuz desagertzen da, larruazaleko kolore normala berreskuratuz. Hori gertatzeko hilabete batzuetatik urte batzuetara igaro daiteke, kasu gehienak urtebeteko epean argitzen diren arren. Tratamenduak normalean krema eta ukendu epelak erabiltzea dakar, pazienteei edo gurasoei ziurtatzearekin batera, ez dela ezer larria.
Pityriasis alba is a prevalent and benign dermatological condition predominantly affecting children and adolescents. The name pityriasis alba derives from its appearance, where pityriasis denotes the fine scales and alba signifies the pale color (hyperpigmentation). This skin disorder is often considered a minor manifestation of atopic dermatitis and is typically associated with a history of atopy in most individuals. Pityriasis alba is characterized by ill-defined macules and patches (or thin plaques), generally circular or oval, often with mild scaling and occasional pruritus (Macules or Patches Observed in Pityriasis Alba). The lesions are usually found on the face, especially the cheeks, arms, and upper trunk, and are more prominent in individuals with darker skin types. Initially, the lesions may exhibit mild erythema and gradually transition to a hypopigmented state over time. Sun exposure can accentuate the appearance of these lesions, which may often raise concerns regarding their cosmetic impact on patients or parents of children. However, pityriasis alba follows a spontaneous, self-resolving course, gradually restoring normal skin pigmentation. The resolution period for pityriasis alba varies from several months to a few years, although most cases typically resolve within 1 year. Treatment for this condition involves reassurance, low-potency topical corticosteroids, and mild emollients as the mainstay.
Pigmentation Disorders: Diagnosis and Management 29431372Lehen mailako arretan, pigmentazio arazoak aurkitu ohi dira. Horien artean post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sun spots, freckles, and café au lait spots daude.
In primary care, pigmentation problems are often found. These include post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sun spots, freckles, café au lait spots.
Ez da tratamendurik behar, eta denborarekin lesioa baretzen doa. Esteroideen kremak aste batetik edo biko epe laburrean probatu daitezke.
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