Riehl melanosis - Riehl Melanosihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riehl_melanosis
Riehl Melanosi (Riehl melanosis) ukipen-dermatitis mota bat da, pixkanaka hedatzen den prurito, eritema eta pigmentazioarekin hasten dena eta, neurri bateraino iritsi ondoren, geldi geratzen da. Perfume edo krema batzuk erabili ondoren eguzki-esposizioa gaixotasunaren kausa izan daiteke.

☆ Alemaniako Stiftung Warentest-en 2022ko emaitzetan, ModelDerm-ekin kontsumitzaileen gogobetetasuna apur bat txikiagoa izan zen ordaindutako telemedikuntzako kontsultekin baino.
      References Riehl Melanosis 32491369 
      Riehl melanosis kontaktu dermatitis pigmentatua bezala ezagutzen da. Alergiek eragindako larruazaleko egoera mota bat da, normalean produktu kosmetikoetan dauden usainek eta beste substantziek eragindakoa. Dermatitis mota gisa sailkatuta egon arren, Riehl melanosis larruazaleko pigmentazio-aldaketak erakusten ditu, narritadura zantzu txikiekin soilik. Ohikoagoa da azal-tonu ilunagoa duten pertsonengan. Azken ikerketek mid-fluence QSNY 1064-nm laser tratamenduaren eraginkortasuna aztertu dute Riehl melanosis -rekin lotutako pigmentazio sakonari aurre egiteko. Beste ikerketa batek terapia desberdinak konbinatu zituen, besteak beste, low-fluence 1064-nm Q-switched Nd: YAG laserra, hidrokinona krema eta ahozko azido tranexamikoa, paziente gehienentzat hobekuntza nabarmena lortuz.
      Riehl melanosis (RM), commonly called pigmented contact dermatitis, is considered an acquired form of allergic contact dermatitis, typically to fragrance and other ingredients of cosmetic products. Although it is considered as a dermatitis, it presents clinically with hyperpigmentation over the face and shows pigment incontinence with minimal eczematous changes on histology. The condition is more commonly seen in dark-skinned people, causing an important psychosocial impact. A recent study showing the higher effectiveness of mid-fluence QSNY 1064-nm laser in targetting the deep pigmentation of RM has also been conducted. Another study used a combination of therapies to include low-fluence, 1064-nm, Q-switched Nd: YAG laser, hydroquinone cream, and oral tranexamic acid, with the majority of patients experiencing significant improvement.
       Research Advances in the Treatment of Riehl’s Melanosis 37168093 
      Riehl's melanosis alergeno jakin batzuekin kontaktuan eta eguzki-argiaren eraginpean eragindako azaleko gaixotasun mota bat da. Larruazaleko pigmentazio gris-marroi azkarra eta progresiboa dakar, eta horrek asko eragin diezaioke pazienteei bai mentalki bai fisikoki. Riehl's melanosis -ren kausa zehatza oraindik ezezaguna den arren, dauden ikerketek alergenoen esposizioarekin lotura handia dutela adierazten dute. Tratamendurako, botika tradizionalak eta laser terapia probatu dira, askotan azalean aplikatutako agente zuritzaileak erabiltzearekin batera. Laser terapiak, bereziki Q-switched Nd:YAG laser erabiliz, emaitza itxaropentsuak erakutsi ditu Riehl's melanosis tratatzeko. Tratamendu metodo desberdinak konbinatzeak emaitza positiboak ekarri ditu.
      Riehl's melanosis (RM) is a contact photodermatitis, with fast progressive gray-brown skin pigmentation as the main manifestation, which can seriously affect the psychology and physiology of patients. Currently, although the etiological factors of Riehl's melanosis is still be unknown, the existing literature proves clearly the cause of it is related to the contacting with suspected allergens. For decades, there has been no standard method for the treatment of RM, but with both conventional drug therapy and laser therapy having been attempted. Topical application of bleaching agents is mainly used as an auxiliary treatment modality. The laser treatment modality remains a hot spot, among which Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is well received for RM. Positive outcomes have been achieved by the combined treatment modalities attempted in recent years also achieve positive outcomes.