Vitiligo - Bitiligo
☆ Alemaniako Stiftung Warentest-en 2022ko emaitzetan, ModelDerm-ekin kontsumitzaileen gogobetetasuna apur bat txikiagoa izan zen ordaindutako telemedikuntzako kontsultekin baino. Non-segmental vitiligo
Vitiligo batzuetan ile zuriz lagunduta egon daiteke.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Vitiligo: A Review 32155629Vitiligo larruazaleko nahaste arrunta da, melanozitoen galeraren ondorioz azal zuriaren adabakiak eragiten dituena. Azken ikerketek erakusten dute gaixotasun autoimmune bat dela. Askotan arazo kosmetiko gisa ikusten den arren, buruko ongizatean eta eguneroko bizitzan eragin handia izan dezake. 2011n, adituek segmental vitiligo izeneko mota besteetatik bereizita sailkatu zuten.
Vitiligo is a common skin disorder that causes patches of white skin due to the loss of melanocytes. Recent research shows it's an autoimmune disease. While it's often seen as a cosmetic issue, it can deeply affect mental well-being and daily life. In 2011, experts classified a type called segmental vitiligo separately from others.
Advances in vitiligo: Update on therapeutic targets 36119071 NIH
Bitiligo aktiboak diren pazienteek hainbat terapia aukera dituzte, hala nola glukokortikoide sistemikoak, fototerapia eta immunosupresores sistemikoak. Bitiligo egonkorreko pazienteek kortikoide topikoen, kaltzineurinaren inhibitzaile topikoen, fototerapiaren eta transplanteen prozeduren erliebea aurki dezakete. Bitiligoaren azpiko prozesuak ulertzeko azken aurrerapenek zuzendutako terapiak garatu dituzte. Gaur egun, JAK inhibitzaileak dira itxaropentsuenak, jasangarritasun ona eta emaitza funtzionalak eskaintzen dituztenak, infekzio ezkutuak eta beste agente immunosupresore batzuekin ohikoak diren bigarren mailako efektu sistemikoak aktibatzeko arriskua izan arren. Etengabeko ikerketek bitiligoaren garapenean parte hartzen duten zitokinak identifikatzea dute (IFN-γ, CXCL10, CXCR3, HSP70i, IL-15, IL-17/23, TNF) . Zitokina hauek blokeatzea itxaropentsua izan da animalia-ereduetan eta paziente batzuetan. Gainera, miRNA-based therapeutics eta adoptive Treg cell therapy ikerketak abian dira.
Current models of treatment for vitiligo are often nonspecific and general. Various therapy options are available for active vitiligo patients, including systemic glucocorticoids, phototherapy, and systemic immunosuppressants. While stable vitiligo patients may benefit from topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, phototherapy, as well as transplantation procedures. Recently, a better understanding of the pathophysiological processes of vitiligo led to the advent of novel targeted therapies. To date, JAK inhibitors are the only category that has been proved to have a good tolerability profile and functional outcomes in vitiligo treatment, even though the risk of activation of latent infection and systemic side effects still existed, like other immunosuppressive agents. Research is in progress to investigate the important cytokines involved in the pathogenesis of vitiligo, including IFN-γ, CXCL10, CXCR3, HSP70i, IL-15, IL-17/23, and TNF, the blockade of which has undergone preliminary attempts in animal models and some patients. In addition, studies on miRNA-based therapeutics as well as adoptive Treg cell therapy are still primary, and more studies are necessary.
Ez dago bitiligorako sendabide ezagunik. Azala argia dutenentzat, eguzkitako krema eta makillajea dira normalean gomendatzen dena. Beste tratamendu aukera batzuk esteroideen kremak edo fototerapia izan daitezke.
○ Tratamendua
#Excimer laser
#Tacrolimus ointment