Acanthosis nigricans
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Swarte pigmentaasje en rimpels yn beide oksels suggerearje Acanthosis nigricans.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Acanthosis Nigricans 28613711 NIH
Acanthosis nigricans is in kutane manifestaasje fan in ûnderlizzende tastân. It ferskynt faak yn hûdfoldingen lykas de nekke, oksels, en liif, lykje op fluwelige donkere plakken mei ûndúdlike rânen. Dizze betingst is normaal keppele oan diabetes en ynsulineferset, mar yn seldsume gefallen kin it wize op kanker yn it lichem. It kin ek ferskine fanwege hormoanproblemen of troch it nimmen fan spesifike medisinen lykas steroïden en bertekontrôlepillen.
Acanthosis nigricans is a cutaneous manifestation of an underlying condition. It usually develops in skin folds, such as the back of the neck, axilla, and groin, where it presents as velvety hyper-pigmented patches with poorly defined borders. Acanthosis nigricans is most commonly associated with diabetes and insulin resistance, but rarely it can be a sign of internal malignancy. It can also occur with hormone disorders or with the use of certain medications like systemic glucocorticoids and oral contraceptives.
Current treatment options for acanthosis nigricans 30122971 NIH
Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is in mienskiplike hûdbetingsten keppele oan ferskate sûnensproblemen lykas ynsulineferset, diabetes, obesitas, bepaalde kankers, hormonale problemen en reaksjes op medisinen. De behanneling fan AN rjochtet him op it oanpakken fan de ûnderlizzende sûnensproblemen. Yn earste ynstânsje kontrolearje dokters op tekens fan insulinresistinsjesyndroom, wêrby't obesitas, heech cholesterol, hege bloeddruk en type 2-diabetes omfettet. Dokters foarskriuwe faak topical retinoids as de earste behanneling kar, dat kin helpe mei de hûd thickening. Se kinne lykwols net folslein fertsjusterje hûd oanpakke. Oare behannelingopsjes (salicylic acid, podophyllin, urea, calcipotriol) hawwe ek faak tapassing nedich.
Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a common dermatologic manifestation of systemic disease that is associated with insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, obesity, internal malignancy, endocrine disorders, and drug reactions. Treatment of AN primarily focuses on resolution of the underlying disease processes causing the velvety, hyperpigmented, hyperkeratotic plaques found on the skin. Initial considerations for the AN workup include evaluating patients for insulin resistance syndrome characterized by obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus type II. For cosmetic treatment, topical retinoids are considered the first-line therapy for insulin-resistant AN by modifying keratinization rate. However, topical tretinoin requires application for long durations and improves hyperkeratosis, but not hyperpigmentation. Topical salicylic acid, podophyllin, urea, and calcipotriol also require frequent application, while TCA peels may provide a faster and less time-intense burden.
○ Oarsaken
It komt typysk foar yn yndividuen jonger dan 40 jier, kin genetysk erfd wurde en is assosjearre mei obesitas of endokrinopathyen, lykas hypothyroïdisme, akromegaly, polyzystyske eierstoksykte, insulin-resistinte diabetes of de sykte fan Cushing.
○ Behanneling ― OTC Drugs
#40% urea cream