Condyloma - Condyloom
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Condyloma Acuminata 31613447 NIH
Condylomata acuminata , ornaris bekend as anogenitale wratten, wurde feroarsake troch it minsklik papillomafirus (HPV) , mei de meast foarkommende skuldigen HPV-stammen 6 en 11. HPV ferspriedt benammen troch seksueel kontakt en ferskate faktoaren lykas leeftyd, libbensstyl en seksueel gedrach beynfloedzje ien syn gefoelichheid foar it ûntwikkeljen fan dizze wratten. Behannelingsopsjes omfetsje topike oplossingen en crèmes (podophyllotoxin, imiquimod cream, sinecatechins ointment) , lykas prosedueres (cryotherapy, trichloroacetic acid solution) . D'r is lykwols in risiko fan werhelling mei topike behannelingen, wylst sjirurgyske útsûndering de heechste klaringsraten biedt, faaks tichtby 100 prosint.
Condylomata acuminata (singular: condyloma acuminatum) refers to anogenital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The most common strains of HPV that cause anogenital warts are 6 and 11. HPV is a double-stranded DNA virus primarily spread through sexual contact. Age, lifestyle, and sexual practices all play a role in one's susceptibility to developing condyloma acuminata. There are several topical treatment options available, including podophyllotoxin solutions and creams, imiquimod cream, and sinecatechins ointment. Cryotherapy, trichloroacetic acid solution, and several surgical modalities are also available treatments. There is a chance for condyloma acuminata to recur after topical treatments. Surgical excision is the only available treatment with clearance rates close to 100 percent.
Genital Warts 28722914 NIH
Genital warts , ek wol bekend as condyloma acuminatum, ferskine as gefolch fan in seksueel oerdraachbere ynfeksje feroarsake troch bepaalde soarten minsklik papillomavirus (HPV) . Se binne in mienskiplik teken fan genital HPV-ynfeksjes. Hoewol sawat 90% fan dyjingen bleatsteld oan HPV gjin genitalwratten sille ûntwikkelje, sille sawat 10% fan 'e ynfekteare persoanen it firus oerdrage. Genitalwratten wurde primêr feroarsake troch HPV-typen 6 en 11, ûnder mear as 100 bekende soarten HPV-firussen. HPV ferspriedt troch direkte hûd-oan-hûd kontakt, typysk by seksuele aktiviteit. It is wichtich om te notearjen dat hoewol bepaalde soarten HPV keppele binne oan cervikale en anale kanker, dizze ferskillen binne fan 'e soarten ferantwurdlik foar genitalwratten. Derneist is it mooglik om tagelyk ynfekteare te wurden mei meardere soarten HPV.
Genital warts (condyloma acuminatum) are the clinical manifestations of a sexually transmitted infection caused by some types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are a recognized symptom of genital HPV infections. About 90% of those exposed who contract HPV will not develop genital warts. Only about 10% who are infected will transmit the virus. HPV types 6 and 11 cause genital warts. There are over 100 different known types of HPV viruses. HPV is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual, usually during sex. While some types of HPV cause cervical and anal cancer, these are not the same viral types that cause genital warts. It is possible to be infected with different types of HPV at the same time.
It wurdt ferspraat troch direkte hûd-oan-hûd kontakt, meastentiids tidens orale, genitale of anale seks mei in ynfekteare partner.
Behanneling opsjes befetsje crèmes lykas podophyllin, imiquimod, en trichloroacetic acid. Kryoterapy of sjirurgy kin ek in opsje wêze.
Ungefear 1% fan minsken yn 'e Feriene Steaten hawwe genitalwratten. In protte minsken hawwe gjin symptomen hoewol se ynfekteare binne. Sûnder faksinaasje krije hast alle seksueel aktive minsken op ien punt yn har libben in soarte fan HPV.
○ Behanneling ― OTC Drugs
Jo kinne salicylic acid of cryotherapy produkten besykje. Overuse fan salicylic acid kin feroarsaakje pynlike eroazje fan de omlizzende hûd, dus tapasse it allinnich op it troffen gebiet.
#Salicylic acid, brush applicator [Duofilm]
#Freeze, wart remover