Epidermale Nevus (Epidermal nevus) is in hûdlesion karakterisearre troch in wart-like papule. De lesions kinne in bytsje warty (psoriaform) of skalich (ekseem-like) wêze. Behannelingen omfetsje dermabrasie, kryoterapy, laserterapy, en sjirurgyske excision.
○ Diagnose en behanneling Wratten moatte wurde ûnderskieden, om't se ferlykber binne yn foarm. Epidermal nevus kin fuortsmiten wurde troch laser ablaasje.
Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus is a rare disease of the skin that presents as multiple, discrete, red papules that tend to coalesce into linear plaques that follow the Lines of Blaschko. The plaques can be slightly warty (psoriaform) or scaly (eczema-like). ILVEN is caused by somatic mutations that result in genetic mosaicism. There is no cure, but different medical treatments can alleviate the symptoms.
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Linear epidermal nevi ― Lesion folget de rigels fan Blaschko oer de rjochter boppeearm fan in jong famke.
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi (ILVEN)
Typysk gefal
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi (ILVEN)
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevi (ILVEN)
De pasjint ferskynde earst op fiif moanne âld mei giele plakken op 'e rjochterkant fan' e skalp. Tsjin seis moanne hiene se hyperpigmentearre verrucous papules op 'e rjochterkant fan' e skalp. Yn 'e ôfrûne fiif jier waarden dizze flekken stadichoan grutter, mar bleauwen allinich oan' e rjochterkant fan it gesicht, de skalp en de nekke. Se binne net pynlik of jûk, en de pasjint groeit normaal. It rjochterwang en de foarholle hawwe in bytsje ferhege, giele flekken dy't op 'e foar- en kant fan' e skalp strekke. Ferbûn mei dizze patches binne hyperpigmentearre, verrucous papules, foarmje linen fan 'e efterkant fan' e hoofdhuid nei de efterkant fan 'e nekke oan' e rjochterkant. The patient first showed up at five months old with yellow patches on the right front of the scalp. By six months, they had hyperpigmented verrucous papules on the back right side of the scalp. Over the past five years, these spots slowly grew bigger but stayed only on the right side of the face, scalp, and neck. They aren't painful or itchy, and the patient is growing normally. The right cheek and forehead have slightly raised, yellow patches that stretch onto the front and side of the scalp. Connected to these patches are hyperpigmented, verrucous papules, forming lines from the back of the scalp to the back of the neck on the right side.
○ Diagnose en behanneling
Wratten moatte wurde ûnderskieden, om't se ferlykber binne yn foarm. Epidermal nevus kin fuortsmiten wurde troch laser ablaasje.