Panniculitis - Pannikulitis
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References Erythema Nodosum: A Practical Approach and Diagnostic Algorithm 33683567 NIH
Erythema nodosum is the most common form of panniculitis and is characterized by tender erythematous nodules mainly in the lower limbs on the pretibial area. The exact cause of erythema nodosum is unknown, although it appears to be a hypersensitivity response to a variety of antigenic stimuli. Although the etiology is mostly idiopathic, ruling out an underlying disease is imperative before diagnosing primary erythema nodosum. Erythema nodosum can be the first sign of a systemic disease that is triggered by a large group of processes, such as infections, inflammatory diseases, neoplasia, and/or drugs. The most common identifiable causes are streptococcal infections, primary tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, Behçet disease, inflammatory bowel disease, drugs, and pregnancy.
Panniculitis in Children 34449587 NIH
Panniculitis foarmje in heterogene groep fan inflammatoire sykten dy't it subkutane adiposeweefsel belûke. Dizze steuringen binne seldsum yn bern. De panniculitis kin it primêre proses wêze yn in systemyske oandwaning as in sekundêr proses dat resultaat is fan ynfeksje, trauma of bleatstelling oan medisinen. De measte soarten panniculitis hawwe deselde klinyske presintaasje (nettsjinsteande de etiology) , mei tender, erythematous subkutane nodules.
Panniculitides form a heterogenous group of inflammatory diseases that involve the subcutaneous adipose tissue. These disorders are rare in children and have many aetiologies. As in adults, the panniculitis can be the primary process in a systemic disorder or a secondary process that results from infection, trauma or exposure to medication. Some types of panniculitis are seen more commonly or exclusively in children, and several new entities have been described in recent years. Most types of panniculitis have the same clinical presentation (regardless of the aetiology), with tender, erythematous subcutaneous nodules.
Erythema nodosum - a review of an uncommon panniculitis 24746312Panniculitis , ûntstekking fan it subkutane fet, presintearret meastentiids mei inflammatoire nodules. Erythema nodosum (EN) is klinysk de meast foarkommende foarm fan panniculitis. Wylst oant 55% fan EN wurdt beskôge as idiopathysk, binne de meast foarkommende oarsaken ynfeksjes, drugs, systemyske sykten lykas sarkoïdose en inflammatoare darmsykte, swangerskip en maligniteit. EN typysk presintearret yn 'e teens en 20s, en wurdt sjoen faker yn froulju. It wurdt faak foarôfgien troch in net-spesifike prodrome fan ien oant trije wiken, dat kin befetsje koarts, malaise, en symptomen fan in boppeste luchtwegen ynfeksje. Kutane lesions folgje dan, typysk lokalisearre op 'e extensor aspekt fan' e ledematen. De lesions binne pynlik rûne of ovale, wat ferhege, net-ulcerative reade nodules. De krekte patogenesis fan EN wurdt net begrepen, hoewol wurdt tocht dat it resultaat is fan ôfsetting fan ymmúnkompleksen yn 'e venules fan' e septae yn subkutane fet, wêrtroch in neutrofiele pannikulitis feroarsaket. Sels sûnder spesifike terapy foar in causative tastân, EN oplost sûnder behanneling yn de measte gefallen.
Panniculitis, inflammation of the subcutaneous fat, usually presents with inflammatory nodules. Erythema nodosum (EN) is clinically the most frequent form of panniculitis. Whilst up to 55% of EN is considered idiopathic, the most common causes include infections, drugs, systemic illnesses such as sarcoidosis and inflammatory bowel disease, pregnancy, and malignancy. EN typically presents in the teens and 20s, and is seen more commonly in females. It is often preceded by a non-specific prodrome of one to three weeks, which may include fever, malaise, and symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. Cutaneous lesions then follow, typically localized on the extensor aspect of the limbs. The lesions are painful rounded or oval, slightly raised, non-ulcerative red nodules. The exact pathogenesis of EN is not understood, although is thought to result from deposition of immune complexes in the venules of the septae in subcutaneous fat, causing a neutrophilic panniculitis. Even without specific therapy for a causative condition, EN resolves without treatment in most cases.
"Erythema nodosum" is in foarm fan pannikulitis (panniculitis) karakterisearre troch sêfte reade nodules, 1-10 sm, ferbûn mei systemyske symptomen ynklusyf koarts, malaise en gewrichtspine. Nodules kinne sakje oer in perioade fan 2-6 wiken sûnder ulcerating of littekens. Erythema nodosum is ferbûn mei ynfeksjes, ynklusyf hepatitis C, EBV en tuberkuloaze, swangerskip, non-Hodgkin-lymfoom, en pankoazekanker.