Portwine stainhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port-wine_stain
☆ Yn 'e 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultaten út Dútslân wie de konsuminttefredenheid mei ModelDerm mar wat leger dan mei betelle telemedisynkonsultaasjes. Portwine stain kin wurde behannele mei in laser, mar it is djoer en tiidslinend.
relevance score : -100.0%
References A retrospective 10 years‐ experience overview of dye laser treatments for vascular pathologies 37632184 NIH
Flash-lamp pulsed dye laser (FPDL) wurdt no wiid erkend as de meast krekte laser beskikber foar it behanneljen fan vaskulêre problemen op oerflaknivo. Yn dizze stúdzje sammele wy gegevens oer in desennium ûnderfining mei it brûken fan kleurstoflaserbehanneling foar pasjinten mei ferskate vaskulêre omstannichheden (telangiectasia, rhinophyma, port-wine stains, cherry and spider angiomas, and vascular tumors such as cherry angiomas, infantile hemangiomas, port wine stains, rhinophyma, spider angiomas, and telangiectasia) .
The Flash‐lamp pulsed dye laser (FPDL) is nowadays considered the most precise laser currently on the market for treating superficial vascular lesions. In this study, we gathered data from 10 years of experience regarding dye laser treatment of patients presenting vascular malformations such as telangiectasia, rhinophyma, port‐wine stain, cherry and spider angioma and vascular tumours: cherry angioma, infantile haemangioma, port wine stain, rhinophyma, spider angioma, telangiectasia
Nevus Flammeus 33085401 NIH
Port-wine stain (PWS) is ek bekend as nevus flammeus. It is in rôze of reade plak op 'e hûd fan in poppe feroarsake troch abnormale bloedfetten. It is oanwêzich by berte en bliuwt foar it libben, typysk ferskynt op it gesicht. It is wichtich om it te ûnderskieden fan in nevus simplex of salmpatch, dy't oer de tiid ferdwynt.
Nevus flammeus or port-wine stain (PWS) is a non-neoplastic congenital dermal capillary hamartomatous malformation presenting as a pink or red patch on a newborn's skin. It is a congenital skin condition that can affect any part of the body and persists throughout life. The nevus flammeus is a well-defined, often unilateral, bilateral, or centrally positioned pink to red patch that appears on the face at birth and is made up of distorted capillary-like vessels. It needs to be differentiated from a nevus simplex/salmon patch, which is usually seen along the midline and disappears over time. An acquired port-wine stain, clinically and histopathologically indistinguishable from congenital capillary malformation, has been reported to develop in adolescents or adults, usually following trauma.
Consensus Statement for the Management and Treatment of Port-Wine Birthmarks in Sturge-Weber syndrome 33175124 NIH
It behanneljen fan PWS is wichtich om har ynfloed op mentale sûnens te ferminderjen en nodulariteit en weefselfergrutting te ferminderjen. Begjin behanneling betiid kin liede ta bettere resultaten. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) wurdt rûnom beskôge as de bêste opsje foar alle soarten PWS, nettsjinsteande har grutte, wêr't se binne, of har kleur.
Treatment of PWB is indicated to minimize psychosocial impact and diminish nodularity, and potentially tissue hypertrophy. Better outcomes may be attained if treatments are started at an earlier age. In the United States, pulsed dye laser (PDL) is the gold standard for all PWB regardless of the lesion size, location, or color. When performed by experienced physicians, laser treatment can be performed safely on patients of all ages. The choice of using general anesthesia in young patients is a complex decision which must be considered on a case by case basis.
Portwine stain komt it meast foar op it gesicht, mar kin oeral op it lichem ferskine, benammen op 'e nekke, boppeste romp, earms en skonken. Iere vlekken binne meast flak en roze yn uterlik. As it bern folwoeksen is, kin de kleur ferdjipje oant in donkere reade of pearse kleur. Yn folwoeksenen kin dikke lijen of de ûntwikkeling fan lytse bulten foarkomme.
○ Behanneling
Vascular lasers binne wat effektyf, mar fereaskje djoere laser apparatuer en lange-termyn behanneling oer ferskate jierren. As lesions mei leeftyd dikke, kin laserbehanneling minder effektyf wurde, wat in probleem kin wêze. Roze lesions binne oer it generaal dreger te behanneljen as reade lesions, om't se djip vascularisearre binne.
#Dye laser (e.g. V-beam)