Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation - Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentaasje
Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentaasje (Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation) is in kutane betingst karakterisearre troch ferhege pigment yn 'e hûd nei ûntstekking fan' e hûd. postinflammatory hyperpigmentaasje (postinflammatory hyperpigmentation) kin feroarsake wurde troch langere bleatstelling oan 'e sinne, ûntstekking, of oare hûdferwûnings, ynklusyf dy relatearre oan akne. Minsken mei donkere hûdtones binne meastentiids mear gefoelich foar hyperpigmentaasje mei tefolle sinne-eksposysje.

☆ Yn 'e 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultaten út Dútslân wie de konsuminttefredenheid mei ModelDerm mar wat leger dan mei betelle telemedisynkonsultaasjes.
      References Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation 32644576 
      Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is in faak hûdprobleem dat bart nei hûdûntstekking as blessuere. It hat de neiging om in lange tiid te duorjen en is slimmer yn minsken mei donkere hûdtoanen (Fitzpatrick skin types III–VI) . Hoewol't it fan himsels faak better wurdt, kin dat wol efkes duorje, sadat behanneling faaks lang nedich is. It kombinearjen fan ferskate behannelingen wurket it bêste.
      Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common acquired cutaneous disorder occurring after skin inflammation or injury. It is chronic and is more common and severe in darker-skinned individuals (Fitzpatrick skin types III–VI). While the condition typically improves spontaneously, this process can take months to years, necessitating prolonged treatment. Combination therapy is the most effective.
       Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation: a review of the epidemiology, clinical features, and treatment options in skin of color 20725554 
      Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is in gewoane gefolgen fan hûdûntstekking. It hat de neiging om persoanen mei donkere hûd te beynfloedzjen hurder en faker. Stúdzjes litte sjen dat problemen lykas postinflammatory hyperpigmentation ien fan 'e wichtichste redenen binne wêrom't minsken mei donkere hûdtones dermatologyske soarch sykje. Iere behanneling is krúsjaal foar it oplossen fan postinflammatory hyperpigmentation en begjint normaal mei it behearen fan 'e earste inflammatoire tastân. De earste line fan behanneling omfettet typysk it brûken fan aktuele aginten dy't de hûd ferljochtsje tegearre mei sinneskerm foar beskerming. Dizze aginten, lykas hydroquinone, azelaic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, licorice extracts , kinne oermjittige pigmentaasje effektyf ferminderje. Derneist wurde retinoids, mequinol, ascorbic acid, niacinamide, N-acetyl glucosamine, soy ek brûkt as depigmentearjende aginten, mei nije behannelingen dy't opkomme. Wylst topike behannelingen meast effektyf binne foar hyperpigmentaasje op oerflaknivo, kinne prosedueres (laser, chemical peel) nedich wêze foar koppige gefallen. It is wichtich om foarsichtich te brûken mei dizze behannelingen om irriteraasje en fersmoarging fan postinflammatory hyperpigmentation te foarkommen.
      Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is a common sequelae of inflammatory dermatoses that tends to affect darker skinned patients with greater frequency and severity. Epidemiological studies show that dyschromias, including postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, are among the most common reasons darker racial/ethnic groups seek the care of a dermatologist. The treatment of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation should be started early to help hasten its resolution and begins with management of the initial inflammatory condition. First-line therapy typically consists of topical depigmenting agents in addition to photoprotection including a sunscreen. Topical tyrosinase inhibitors, such as hydroquinone, azelaic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, and certain licorice extracts, can effectively lighten areas of hypermelanosis. Other depigmenting agents include retinoids, mequinol, ascorbic acid, niacinamide, N-acetyl glucosamine, and soy with a number of emerging therapies on the horizon. Topical therapy is typically effective for epidermal postinflammatory hyperpigmentation; however, certain procedures, such as chemical peeling and laser therapy, may help treat recalcitrant hyperpigmentation. It is also important to use caution with all of the above treatments to prevent irritation and worsening of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.