Urticaria pigmentosahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria_pigmentosa
☆ Yn 'e 2022 Stiftung Warentest-resultaten út Dútslân wie de konsuminttefredenheid mei ModelDerm mar wat leger dan mei betelle telemedisynkonsultaasjes. It hat de neiging om te foarkommen op 'e romp fan jonge bern.
It hurd wrijven fan 'e lesion kin swelling feroarsaakje.
relevance score : -100.0%
References Urticaria Pigmentosa 29494109 NIH
Mastocytosis is in betingst wêryn d'r in oerskot is oan mastsellen, faak fûn yn ferskate lichemsdielen lykas de hûd, bonkenmurg en spijsvertering systeem. Neffens de Wrâldsûnensorganisaasje (WHO) kin cutaneous mastocytosis wurde yndield yn trije haadtypen. It earste type (mastocytomas) bestiet út iensume of in pear (≤3) lesions. It twadde type (urticaria pigmentosa) omfettet meardere bywenningen, typysk fariearjend fan mear as 10 oant minder as 100. It lêste type toant wiidferspraat belutsenens oer de hûd. Urticaria pigmentosa is de meast foarkommende foarm fan kutane mastozytosis by bern, mar it kin ek foarkomme by folwoeksenen. It is normaal in harmless tastân dy't faak ferbetteret yn 'e adolesinsje. Oars as folwoeksen mastozytosis, hat urticaria pigmentosa komselden ynfloed op ynterne organen. Ien ûnderskiedend skaaimerk fan urticaria pigmentosa is de oanstriid om lytse, jeukende, readbrúne of gielbrúne flekken of lesions op 'e hûd te feroarsaakjen, ornaris bekend as hives. Dizze plakken ferskine normaal yn 'e jeugd en kinne it hiele libben duorje.
Mastocytosis is a disorder characterized by mast cell accumulation, commonly in the skin, bone marrow, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, liver, spleen, and lymphatic tissues. The World Health Organization (WHO) divides cutaneous mastocytosis into 3 main presentations. The first has solitary or few (≤3) lesions called mastocytomas. The second, urticaria pigmentosa (UP), involves multiple lesions ranging from >10 to <100 lesions. The last presentation involves diffuse cutaneous involvement. UP is the most common cutaneous mastocytosis in children, but it can form in adults as well. It is considered a benign, self-resolving condition that often remits in adolescence. Unlike adult forms of mastocytosis, there is rarely any internal organ involvement in UP. What makes UP particularly distinctive is its tendency to manifest as small, itchy, reddish-brown, or yellowish-brown spots or lesions on the skin, commonly referred to as urticaria or hives. These spots typically appear in childhood and can persist throughout a person's life.
Urticaria pigmentosa - Case reports 26752589 NIH
In famke fan 6 jier kaam binnen mei ferskate donkere flekken dy't earst op har hoofdhuid ferskynden en dêrnei oer har gesicht en lichem oer de ôfrûne seis moanne ferspriede. Se neamde it gefoel dat se opstean, read wurde en jeuken as druk waard tapast. Se belibbe gjin spoelen, braken, diarree, of piepende piepen, en har persoanlike en famylje-medyske histoarjes levere gjin relevante oanwizings. By ûndersyk fûnen wy meardere donkere plakken op har hoofdhuid, foarholle, gesicht en nekke, tegearre mei wat ferhege donkere plakken op har boarst en rêch. Licht wrijven fan 'e flekken feroarsake dat se binnen 2 minuten swollen en jeuken, mar de symptomen ferdwûnen binnen 15-20 minuten (Darier's sign) .
A 6-year-old female, presented with multiple dark-colored lesions, which started over the scalp and further progressed to involve the face and trunk since past six months. She gave a history of elevation, redness, and itching on the lesions on application of pressure. There was no associated flushing, vomiting, diarrhoea, or wheeze. The personal and family history was not contributory. On examination, there were multiple hyperpigmented macules over the scalp, forehead, face, and neck in addition to minimally elevated hyperpigmented plaques over the chest and the back. Gentle rubbing of the lesions elicited urtication and itching within 2 min and it resolved within 15–20 minutes, suggestive of the Darier's sign.