Is loit neamhurchóideach cutaneous de ribeadáin é Angiokeratoma , as a dtagann marcanna beaga de dhath dearg go gorm arb iad is sainairíonna hyperkeratosis. Il-angiokeratomas ar an stoc i ndaoine óga, d’fhéadfadh a bheith "galar Fabry", neamhord géiniteach a bhaineann le deacrachtaí sistéamach.

Mar gheall ar a neamhchoitiantacht, féadfar melanoma a dhiagnóiseadh angiokeratomas. Is féidir diagnóis níos cruinne a dhéanamh le bithóipse den lot.

Diagnóis agus Cóireáil
#Skin biopsy
☆ I dtorthaí 2022 Stiftung Warentest ón nGearmáin, ní raibh sástacht na dtomhaltóirí le ModelDerm ach beagán níos ísle ná mar a bhí le comhairliúchán teileamhíochaine íoctha.
  • Cás aitíopúla ― iolra Angiokeratoma; Is loit shingil iad formhór Angiokeratoma.
  • Tá cruth cosúil le meileanóma aige, ach tá sé difriúil ó mheileanóma mar go bhfuil gnéithe bog agus solúbtha aige. Is gnách go mbíonn an méid Angiokeratoma níos lú ná mar a thaispeántar sa phictiúr seo. Cuirtear Angiokeratoma i láthair mar lot amháin de ghnáth.
References Cutaneous Angiokeratoma Treated With Surgical Excision and a 595-nm Pulsed Dye Laser 36545640 
Angiokeratomas is éard atá i bhfás sna soithigh fola, le feiceáil go bhfuil siad ardaithe, dearg go cnapáin dhubh agus paistí ar an gcraiceann. Is féidir leo tarlú mar loit singil nó iolracha, a athraíonn dath, cruth agus suíomh. Pléann an staidéar seo dhá chás angiokeratoma cóireáilte le baint máinliachta agus léasair 595-nm pulsed dye (PDL) , a eascraíonn i faoiseamh siomptóim agus cuma feabhsaithe.
Angiokeratomas are vascular neoplasms with hyperkeratotic red to black papules and plaques, which may present as solitary or multiple lesions with variations in color, shape, and location. Successful treatment not only involves improvement of these symptoms but also cosmetic improvement. This report reviews 2 cases of cutaneous angiokeratoma treated with surgical excision and a 595-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) in which the patients showed improvement of symptoms and cosmetic appearance. There are various types of angiokeratomas, and their extent, size, condition, and symptoms are different. Therefore, lesion-specific combined treatments may yield better results.
 Angiokeratoma circumscriptum - Case reports 33342183
Is é Angiokeratoma circumscriptum an fhoirm is annamha d'angiokeratoma, riocht a fhaightear go príomha i mná. Taispeánann sé mar bhraislí dorcha-dearg go gorm-dubh de bumps nó nodules ar na géaga íochtair, go hiondúil i bpatrún atá deighilteach agus ar thaobh amháin den chorp.
Angiokeratoma circumscriptum is the rarest form of angiokeratoma, a condition mainly found in females. It shows up as dark-red to blue-black clusters of bumps or nodules on the lower limbs, typically in a pattern that's both segmental and on one side of the body.