☆ I dtorthaí 2022 Stiftung Warentest ón nGearmáin, ní raibh sástacht na dtomhaltóirí le ModelDerm ach beagán níos ísle ná mar a bhí le comhairliúchán teileamhíochaine íoctha. 

Gnáthchás Dermatofibroma ― Nodule crua ar an ngéag. Is meall neamhurchóideacha sách coitianta é Dermatofibroma.
relevance score : -100.0%
Dermatofibroma 29262213 NIH
Is riocht craiceann coitianta é Dermatofibroma a fhaightear go príomha ar na lámha nó na cosa. Dealraíonn sé mar lumps daingean faoin gcraiceann, go minic níos lú ná 1 ceintiméadar i méid. Cé go mbíonn sé gan phian de ghnáth, d’fhéadfadh sé a bheith nasctha le mionghortuithe san am a chuaigh thart ar nós greamanna feithidí nó pricks dealga. Is féidir le dermatofibromas dul i bhfeidhm ar aon duine ach tá siad níos coitianta i measc baineannaigh idir 20 agus 40 bliain d'aois. De ghnáth bíonn siad neamhurchóideach, ach uaireanta féadann siad teacht ar ais tar éis iad a bhaint. Tá sé tábhachtach dermatofibromas a idirdhealú ó siadaí craiceann níos ionsaithí ar a dtugtar dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
Dermatofibroma is a commonly occurring cutaneous entity usually centered within the skin's dermis. Dermatofibromas are referred to as benign fibrous histiocytomas of the skin, superficial/cutaneous benign fibrous histiocytomas, or common fibrous histiocytoma. These mesenchymal cell lesions of the dermis clinically are firm subcutaneous nodules that occur on the extremities in the vast majority of cases and may or may not be associated with overlying skin changes. They are most commonly asymptomatic and usually relatively small, less than or equal to 1 centimeter in diameter. Often, patients who present with a dermatofibroma relate a history of possibly inciting local trauma at the site, such as from an insect bite or superficial puncture wound from thorns or wood splinters. Dermatofibromas occur in people of all ages, although more commonly during the ages of the 20s to 40s, and develop more frequently in females than males, with as high as a 2:1 female to male predominance according to some reports. They are a benign tumor, although there have been cases of local recurrence, and even more rarely, distant metastases have been reported. When considering the differential diagnosis of these lesions, it is vitally important to distinguish dermatofibromas from dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, a similar-appearing but more aggressive cutaneous neoplasm.
Common Benign Skin Tumors 12613727Is é an chóireáil is fearr le haghaidh lipomas, dermatofibromas, keratoacanthomas, pyogenic granulomas, epidermoid cysts ná baint mháinliachta. Déantar Cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia a chóireáil go coitianta le teiripe léasair nó leictridhílsiú. Is roghanna coitianta iad criiteiripe agus bearradh bearrtha le haghaidh acrochordons, seborrheic keratoses. Má bhraitheann dochtúir teaghlaigh éiginnte faoi dhiagnóiseadh nó cóireáil lot, nó má dheimhníonn bithóipse melanoma, moltar atreorú chuig speisialtóir.
The preferred treatment for lipomas, dermatofibromas, keratoacanthomas, pyogenic granulomas, epidermoid cysts is surgical removal. Cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia are commonly treated with laser therapy or electrodesiccation. Cryotherapy and shave excision are popular choices for acrochordons, seborrheic keratoses. If a family physician feels uncertain about diagnosing or treating a lesion, or if a biopsy confirms melanoma, referral to a specialist is recommended.
Féadfar dermatofibromas a fhoirmiú mar fhrithghníomh ar ghortuithe roimhe seo, mar shampla greamanna feithidí nó pricks dealga. Aicmítear dermatofibromas mar loit neamhurchóideacha craicinn, rud a chiallaíonn go bhfuil siad go hiomlán neamhdhíobhálach, cé go bhféadfaí Dermatofibromas a mheascadh le héagsúlacht siadaí subcutaneous. D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith deacair dermatofibromas treáite domhain a idirdhealú, fiú go histeolaíoch, ó siadaí fibrohistocytic urchóideacha annamh mar “dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans”.
○ Diagnóis agus Cóireáil
Bíonn a bhformhór neamhurchóideach, ach d’fhéadfadh go mbeadh bithóipse ag teastáil le haghaidh loit mhóra (>5 mm).
#Skin biopsy