Syphilis - Sifilis
☆ I dtorthaí 2022 Stiftung Warentest ón nGearmáin, ní raibh sástacht na dtomhaltóirí le ModelDerm ach beagán níos ísle ná mar a bhí le comhairliúchán teileamhíochaine íoctha. 

Secondary syphilis
relevance score : -100.0%
Secondary syphilis in cali, Colombia: new concepts in disease pathogenesis 20502522 NIH
Is galar gnéas-tarchurtha é tsifilis de bharr an bhaictéar Treponema pallidum. Sa staidéar seo, dírímid ar 57 othar idir 18-68 bliain d’aois le sifilis tánaisteach.
Venereal syphilis is a multi-stage, sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochetal bacterium Treponema pallidum (Tp). Herein we describe a cohort of 57 patients (age 18-68 years) with secondary syphilis (SS) identified through a network of public sector primary health care providers in Cali, Colombia.
Syphilis 30521201 NIH
Is ionfhabhtú baictéarach é tsifilis de bharr Treponema pallidum. Féadfaidh sé aithris a dhéanamh ar ghalair éagsúla, agus an leasainm great imitator á thuilleamh aige. Bíonn tionchar ag an tsifilis ar na milliúin fós ar fud an domhain ach is féidir é a chóireáil go héifeachtach le peinicillin.
Syphilis is a systemic bacterial infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Due to its many protean clinical manifestations, it has been named the “great imitator and mimicker.” Syphilis remains a contemporary plague that continues to afflict millions of people worldwide. Luckily, the causative organism is still sensitive to penicillin.
Syphilis 29022569 NIH
Treponema pallidum is cúis le tsifilis trí theagmháil ghnéasach nó ó mháthair go leanbh le linn toirchis. Cé go bhfuil tástálacha simplí ann chun é a dhiagnóiseadh agus go n-oibríonn cóireáil le seat fada peinicillin amháin go maith, tá an tsifilis ag éirí ina fadhb mhór arís ar fud an domhain. Tá sé seo fíor go háirithe i measc na bhfear a mbíonn gnéas acu le fir (MSM) i dtíortha a bhfuil ioncam ard agus meánioncaim acu. Cé go bhfuil spriocanna an EDS bainte amach ag roinnt tíortha ar ioncam íseal chun stop a chur le sifilis ag dul ó mháthair go leanbh, tá méadú imníoch ar an tsifilis i measc MSM atá VEID-deimhneach.
Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum (T. pallidum) causes syphilis via sexual exposure or via vertical transmission during pregnancy. Despite the availability of simple diagnostic tests and the effectiveness of treatment with a single dose of long-acting penicillin, syphilis is re-emerging as a global public health problem, particularly among men who have sex with men (MSM) in high-income and middle-income countries. Although several low-income countries have achieved WHO targets for the elimination of congenital syphilis, an alarming increase in the prevalence of syphilis in HIV-infected MSM serves as a strong reminder of the tenacity of T. pallidum as a pathogen.
Congenital Syphilis 30725772 NIH
(1) Ae Méadaithe: Is minic a aimsítear é seo agus féadfaidh sé tarlú taobh le spleen méadaithe. Má dhéantar bithóipse ae a scrúdú faoi mhicreascópacht réimse dorcha, féadfar láithreacht an spirocheite a thaispeáint. Féadfaidh tástálacha feidhm ae neamhghnáchaíochtaí a léiriú. (2) Buí an Chraicinn (Buíochán) : Braitheann cibé an dtaispeánann duine buíochán ar cé mhéad a bhfuil tionchar aige ar an ae. (3) Srón Runny: Go minic ar cheann de na chéad chomharthaí, de ghnáth laistigh den chéad seachtain tar éis breithe. (4) Nóid Lymph Ata: Tá at ghinearálaithe sna nóid limfe, gan phian de ghnáth, coitianta freisin. (5) Gríos Craicinn: De ghnáth feictear gríos seachtain nó dhó tar éis na sróine rite. Seans go bhfeicfeá spotaí beaga dearga nó bándearga ar chúl, ar na masa, ar na pluide agus ar bhoinn na gcos. Féadfaidh an gríos seo dul ar aghaidh chuig feannadh agus screamh.
(1) Hepatomegaly: This is the most common finding and may occur with splenomegaly. Biopsy of the liver followed by darkfield microscopy may reveal the spirochete. Liver function tests may be abnormal. (2) Jaundice: Jaundice may or may not be present depending on the extent of liver injury. (3) Rhinitis: One of the first clinical presentations, usually in the first week of life. Copious, persistent white discharge is noted, which contains spirochetes that can be visualized under darkfield microscopy. (4) Generalized Lymphadenopathy: Generalized, non-tender lymphadenopathy is also a common finding. (5) Rash: Rash usually appears one to two weeks after rhinitis. Small red or pink colored maculopapular lesions may be commonly seen on the back, buttocks, posterior thigh and soles of the feet. The rash progresses to desquamation and crusting.
○ Diagnóis agus Cóireáil
Is féidir VDRL agus RPR a úsáid chun ionfhabhtú le déanaí a dheimhniú agus scagadh le haghaidh tsifilis. Is tástáil níos sainiúla é tástáil FTA-ABS agus is féidir í a úsáid chun stair ionfhabhtaithe roimhe seo a sheiceáil. Úsáidtear peinicillin chun sifilis a chóireáil.