Livedoid vasculitis
Livedoid vasculitis cuta ce ta cuta mai saurin kitse da ake gani galibi a cikin mata matasa zuwa matsakaitan shekaru. Ɗayan taƙaitaccen bayanin da aka yi amfani da shi don kwatanta fasalinsa shine "Magungunan purpuric masu raɗaɗi tare da alamar reticular na ƙananan extremities" (PURPLE). Yana da alaƙa da yawancin cututtuka, ciki har da hauhawar jini na jijiyoyi na yau da kullum da varicosities.

☆ A cikin sakamakon Stiftung Warentest na 2022 daga Jamus, gamsuwar mabukaci tare da ModelDerm ya ɗan yi ƙasa kaɗan fiye da biyan shawarwarin telemedicine.
  • Yana iya kasancewa tare da ciwo.
    References Livedoid vasculopathy: A review with focus on terminology and pathogenesis 36285834 
    Livedoid vasculopathy wata cuta ce da ba kasafai ake samun fata ba wacce ke da ciwon gyambo mai raɗaɗi wanda ke ta dawowa kan ƙananan ƙafafu.
    Livedoid vasculopathy (LV) is a rare thrombotic vasculopathy of the dermis characterized by painful, relapsing ulcers over the lower extremities. Diagnosis is challenging due to the overlap in clinical appearance and nomenclature with other skin disorders. Treatment selection is complicated by poor understanding of the pathogenesis of LV and lack of robust clinical trials evaluating therapy efficacy. The terminology and pathophysiology of LV are reviewed here, along with its epidemiology, clinical and histologic features, and treatment options. A diagnostic pathway is suggested to guide providers in evaluating for comorbidities, referring to appropriate specialists, and choosing from the available classes of therapy.
     Livedoid vasculopathy: A review of pathogenesis and principles of management 27297279
    Livedoid vasculopathy wata cuta ce ta fata da ba kasafai ake samun fata ba wadda ke haifar da ciwon gyambo a kafafun kafafu, inda ta bar tabo da aka fi sani da atrophie blanche. Duk da yake ba a san ainihin dalilin da ya sa ba, an yi imanin cewa karuwar zubar jini (hypercoagulability) shine babban abu, tare da kumburi yana taka rawa na biyu. Abubuwan da ke taimakawa wajen zubar jini sun haɗa da kamar haka - deficiencies in proteins C and S, genetic mutations like factor V Leiden, antithrombin III deficiency, prothrombin gene mutations, high levels of homocysteine. A cikin biopsies, yanayin yana nuna ɗigon jini a cikin tasoshin, kaurin bangon jirgin ruwa, da tabo. Jiyya ya ƙunshi hanya mai yawa da ke mayar da hankali kan hana ƙumburi na jini tare da magunguna kamar magungunan anti-platelet, masu sinadarai na jini, da fibrinolytic far. Ana iya amfani da magunguna daban-daban don wannan yanayin fata - colchicine and hydroxychloroquine, vasodilators, immunosuppressants.
    Livedoid vasculopathy is a rare skin condition that causes recurring ulcers on the lower legs, leaving behind pale scars known as atrophie blanche. While the exact cause is still unclear, it's believed that increased blood clotting (hypercoagulability) is the main factor, with inflammation playing a secondary role. Factors contributing to clotting include as follows - deficiencies in proteins C and S, genetic mutations like factor V Leiden, antithrombin III deficiency, prothrombin gene mutations, high levels of homocysteine. In biopsies, the condition shows blood clots inside vessels, thickening of vessel walls, and scarring. Treatment involves a multi-pronged approach focusing on preventing blood clots with medications like anti-platelet drugs, blood thinners, and fibrinolytic therapy. Various drugs can be used for this skin condition - colchicine and hydroxychloroquine, vasodilators, immunosuppressants.
     Livedoid Vasculopathy 32644463 
    Livedoid vasculopathy wani yanayi ne da ba kasafai ake samun rauni ba a kafafu biyu. An yi tunanin samuwar ɗigon jini a cikin ƙananan magudanar jini yana faruwa ne sakamakon ƙarar daskarewa da raguwar zubar jini, tare da lahani ga rufin jirgin ruwa. Ya fi zama ruwan dare a cikin mata, musamman a tsakanin shekaru 15 zuwa 50. Barin shan taba, kula da raunuka, da amfani da magunguna kamar magungunan jini da magungunan antiplatelet sun yi tasiri.
    Livedoid vasculopathy is a rare vasculopathy that is typically characterized by bilateral lower limb lesions. Increased thrombotic activity and decreased fibrinolytic activity along with endothelial damage are believed to be the cause of thrombus formation in the capillary vasculature. It is 3 times more common in females than in males, especially in patients between the ages of 15 to 50 years. There is no definite first-line treatment, but general measures like smoking cessation, wound care, and pharmacological measures like anticoagulants and antiplatelets have shown good results.