Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis - Akutna Generalizirana Egzantematozna Pustuloza
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Eritem i pustule bez svrbeža pojavljuju se iznenada.
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References Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis 37276304 NIH
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) je kožna reakcija obilježena malim, gnojnim izbočinama na crvenoj podlozi kože. Obično se događa kada netko uzima određene lijekove, poput antibiotika, i brzo se širi tijelom. Nakon prestanka uzimanja lijeka koji ga je pokrenuo, simptomi obično nestaju u roku od dva tjedna, često ostavljajući nešto ljuštenja kože. Iako obično nisu ozbiljni i ograničeni na kožu, teški slučajevi mogu se klasificirati zajedno s drugim ozbiljnim kožnim reakcijama kao što su Stevens-Johnson syndrome ili toxic epidermal necrolysis. Liječenje je primarno suportivno, a prognoza za potpuno povlačenje bolesti obično je izvrsna.
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is an adverse cutaneous reaction characterized by sterile pinpoint nonfollicular pustules atop an erythematous background. Symptoms most often occur in the setting of medication exposure, such as systemic antibiotics, rapidly become generalized, followed by desquamation and resolution within about two weeks of discontinuing the offending trigger. Although mostly self-limited without systemic involvement, severe cases are classified alongside other cutaneous adverse reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. Treatment is primarily supportive, and the prognosis for complete resolution is excellent.
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis: Clinical Characteristics, Pathogenesis, and Management 36702114Recent experimental data reviewed herein are supportive of an early role of drug-induced innate immune activation and innate cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-36, and IL-17 in the pathogenesis of AGEP. This explains the rapid onset and neutrophilic character of the cutaneous inflammation.
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis - Case report 36876416 NIH
76-godišnji muškarac došao je na hitnu jer mu se koža promijenila u posljednja dva dana. Liječnici su pronašli crvene mrlje i uzdignuta područja na njegovom trupu te rukama i nogama. Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, te su se mrlje spajale i na crvenim područjima su mu se pojavile izbočine nalik prištićima. Testovi su pokazali visok broj bijelih krvnih zrnaca s puno vrste neutrofila i povećane razine C-reactive protein.
A 76-year-old male patient presented as an emergency due to a 2-day history of skin changes. Physical examination revealed disseminated erythematous macules and plaques on the trunk and extremities. In the further course, confluence of the macules and non-follicular pustulosis developed in the area of erythema. Laboratory tests revealed leukocytosis with neutrophils and elevated C-reactive protein.