Lichen nitidus je upalna bolest nepoznatog uzroka karakterizirana 1-2 mm, diskretnim i uniformnim, sjajnim, ravnim vrhom, blijedim papulama boje mesa ili crvenkasto-smeđim. Bolest obično pogađa djecu i mlade odrasle osobe. Općenito, lichen nitidus je asimptomatski, stoga nije potrebno liječenje.
Lichen nitidus is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause characterized by 1–2 mm, discrete and uniform, shiny, flat-topped, pale flesh-colored or reddish-brown papules that may appear as hypopigmented against dark skin. Occasionally, minimal scaling is present or can be induced by rubbing the surface of the papules. The disease usually affects children and young adults and is painless and usually nonpruritic, although protracted itching may occur in some cases.
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Lichen nitidus se obično pojavljuje kod djece i mladih odraslih osoba, podjednako pogađajući oba spola i sve rase. Pojavljuje se kao male, sjajne izbočine na koži s ravnim vrhom, obično široke 1 do 2 mm. Ove izbočine se često pojavljuju na rukama, nogama, trbuhu, prsima ili penisu. Obično je asimptomatski, pa se općenito liječi simptomatskih ili kozmetički uznemirujućih lezija. Lichen nitidus most commonly presents in children and young adults and does not favor one sex or race. Lichen nitidus presents as multiple, discrete, shiny, flat-topped, pale to skin-colored papules, 1 to 2 mm in diameter. These lesions commonly present on the limbs, abdomen, chest, and penile shaft. It is usually asymptomatic, so treatment is generally for symptomatic or cosmetically disturbing lesions.