Livedoid vasculitis - Livedoidni Vaskulitis
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References Livedoid vasculopathy: A review with focus on terminology and pathogenesis 36285834 NIH
Livedoid vasculopathy je rijetko stanje kože koje karakteriziraju bolni čirevi koji se stalno vraćaju na potkoljenicama.
Livedoid vasculopathy (LV) is a rare thrombotic vasculopathy of the dermis characterized by painful, relapsing ulcers over the lower extremities. Diagnosis is challenging due to the overlap in clinical appearance and nomenclature with other skin disorders. Treatment selection is complicated by poor understanding of the pathogenesis of LV and lack of robust clinical trials evaluating therapy efficacy. The terminology and pathophysiology of LV are reviewed here, along with its epidemiology, clinical and histologic features, and treatment options. A diagnostic pathway is suggested to guide providers in evaluating for comorbidities, referring to appropriate specialists, and choosing from the available classes of therapy.
Livedoid vasculopathy: A review of pathogenesis and principles of management 27297279Livedoid vasculopathy je rijetko stanje kože koje uzrokuje ponavljajuće čireve na potkoljenicama, ostavljajući iza sebe blijede ožiljke poznate kao atrophie blanche. Iako je točan uzrok još uvijek nejasan, vjeruje se da je povećano zgrušavanje krvi (hypercoagulability) glavni čimbenik, dok upala igra sekundarnu ulogu. Čimbenici koji pridonose zgrušavanju uključuju sljedeće - deficiencies in proteins C and S, genetic mutations like factor V Leiden, antithrombin III deficiency, prothrombin gene mutations, high levels of homocysteine. U biopsijama, stanje pokazuje krvne ugruške unutar žila, zadebljanje stijenki žila i ožiljke. Liječenje uključuje višestruki pristup koji se usredotočuje na sprječavanje krvnih ugrušaka lijekovima poput lijekova protiv trombocita, razrjeđivača krvi i fibrinolitičke terapije. Za ovo stanje kože mogu se koristiti različiti lijekovi - colchicine and hydroxychloroquine, vasodilators, immunosuppressants.
Livedoid vasculopathy is a rare skin condition that causes recurring ulcers on the lower legs, leaving behind pale scars known as atrophie blanche. While the exact cause is still unclear, it's believed that increased blood clotting (hypercoagulability) is the main factor, with inflammation playing a secondary role. Factors contributing to clotting include as follows - deficiencies in proteins C and S, genetic mutations like factor V Leiden, antithrombin III deficiency, prothrombin gene mutations, high levels of homocysteine. In biopsies, the condition shows blood clots inside vessels, thickening of vessel walls, and scarring. Treatment involves a multi-pronged approach focusing on preventing blood clots with medications like anti-platelet drugs, blood thinners, and fibrinolytic therapy. Various drugs can be used for this skin condition - colchicine and hydroxychloroquine, vasodilators, immunosuppressants.
Livedoid Vasculopathy 32644463 NIH
Livedoid vasculopathy je rijetko stanje u kojem se lezije javljaju na obje noge. Smatra se da je stvaranje krvnih ugrušaka u sitnim krvnim žilama uzrokovano povećanim zgrušavanjem i smanjenom razgradnjom ugruška, zajedno s oštećenjem sluznice krvnih žila. Češći je kod žena, osobito u dobi između 15 i 50 godina. Prestanak pušenja, njega rana i korištenje lijekova poput razrjeđivača krvi i antitrombocitnih lijekova bili su učinkoviti.
Livedoid vasculopathy is a rare vasculopathy that is typically characterized by bilateral lower limb lesions. Increased thrombotic activity and decreased fibrinolytic activity along with endothelial damage are believed to be the cause of thrombus formation in the capillary vasculature. It is 3 times more common in females than in males, especially in patients between the ages of 15 to 50 years. There is no definite first-line treatment, but general measures like smoking cessation, wound care, and pharmacological measures like anticoagulants and antiplatelets have shown good results.