Pigmented progressive purpuric dermatosis - Pigmentirana Progresivna Purpurna Dermatozahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigmented_purpuric_dermatosis
☆ U rezultatima Stiftung Warentest iz Njemačke za 2022., zadovoljstvo potrošača s ModelDermom bilo je samo malo niže nego s plaćenim konzultacijama o telemedicini. Schamberg disease ― 26-godišnji muškarac s mrljom asimptomatske pigmentacije i teleangiektazije na nozi.
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References Pigmented Purpuric Dermatoses: A Complete Narrative Review 34070260 NIH
Pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPD) su skupina stanja kože obilježenih malim područjima krvarenja ispod kože zbog upale kapilara. PPD obično počinje kao crvene do ljubičaste mrlje koje kasnije postaju zlatno-smeđe kako se hemosiderin reapsorbira.
Pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPD) include several skin diseases characterized by multiple petechial hemorrhage as consequence of capillaritis. PPD generally present with red to purple macules that progressively evolve to golden-brown color as the hemosiderin is reabsorbed.
Schamberg Disease 32809367 NIH
Schamberg disease je najčešći tip pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPDs) , a to su kronična stanja kože karakterizirana malim crvenim ili ljubičastim mrljama i povećanom obojenošću kože (smeđe, crvene ili žute mrlje) . PPD-ovi su klasificirani u pet tipova: Schamberg's purpura, Majocchi purpura, lichen aureus, Gougerot-Blum purpura, and eczematoid-like purpura of Doucas and Kapetanakis. Schamberg disease (SD) je također poznat kao progressive pigmentary dermatosis of Schamberg, purpura pigmentosa progressiva, and Schamberg's purpura. Uglavnom pogađa muškarce i obično se pojavljuje na potkoljenicama, ali se može pojaviti i na bedrima, stražnjici, trupu ili rukama.
Schamberg disease represents the most common type of pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPDs), a chronic, benign, cutaneous eruptions characterized by petechiae, purpura, and increased skin pigmentation (brown, red, or yellow patchy). The PPDs are grouped into five clinical entities: Schamberg's purpura, Majocchi purpura, lichen aureus, Gougerot-Blum purpura and, eczematoid-like purpura of Doucas and Kapetanakis. Schamber disease (SD) has also been called: progressive pigmentary dermatosis of Schamberg, purpura pigmentosa progressive and, Schamberg's purpura. It is commonly seen in males and mainly affects the tibial regions, and could involve thighs, buttocks, trunk, or upper extremities.
Characteristics and Clinical Manifestations of Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis 26273156 NIH
Analizirani su podaci o 113 pacijenata s PPD-om, uključujući 38 koji su podvrgnuti biopsiji kože za ovu studiju. Najčešći klinički tip bila je Schambergova bolest (60,5%) . Ostala stanja uz PPD bila su hipertenzija (15,8%) , dijabetes (10,5%) i drugi. Povijest lijekova otkrila je statine (13,2%) , beta blokatore (10,5%) i druge. Mogući čimbenici povezani s PPD-om uključivali su nedavnu infekciju gornjih dišnih puteva (5,3%) , dugotrajno stajanje koje je dovelo do visokog ortostatskog tlaka (2,6%) i napornu tjelovježbu (2,6%) . Liječenje je primijenjeno na 36 pacijenata (94,7%) - oral antihistamines, pentoxifylline, topical steroids, and/or phototherapy.
Information on 113 patients with PPD was analyzed, and 38 subjects with skin biopsy were included for this study. Schamberg's disease was the most frequent clinical type (60.5%). Concomitant diseases included hypertension (15.8%), diabetes (10.5%), and others. Associated medication histories included statins (13.2%), beta blockers (10.5%), and others. Possibly associated etiologic factors were recent upper respiratory infection (5.3%), high orthostatic pressure due to prolonged standing (2.6%), and strenuous exercise (2.6%). A total of 36 patients (94.7%) were treated with one or more treatment methods, including oral antihistamines, pentoxifylline, topical steroids, and/or phototherapy.
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