Epidermal cyst - Epidèrmik Sisthttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidermoid_cyst
Epidèrmik Sist (Epidermal cyst) se kis benign ki pi komen yo jwenn anjeneral sou po a. epidèrmik sist (epidermal cyst) ka pa gen okenn sentòm, oswa li ka fè mal lè yo manyen. Li ka lage keratin masere.

epidèrmik sist (epidermal cyst) konte pou apeprè 85-95% nan tout spor eskize, transfòmasyon malfezan se ra anpil. Sist yo ka retire pa eksizyon.

Eksizyon chirijikal - Menm si ou kontinye peze sa ki soti andedan, anjeneral li repete. Se poutèt sa, reseksyon chirijikal ka nesesè. Blesi douloure ak enfeksyon sispèk yo ta dwe trete ak antibyotik.

Tretman - Medikaman OTC
Manyen souvan nan zòn ki afekte a ka lakòz li vin anflame. Pifò blesi anflame ki pi gwo pase 1 cm anjeneral mande pou tretman chirijikal nan lopital la. Si ti blesi yo anflame, ou ka eseye sèvi ak antibyotik OTC. Pa sèvi ak yon odè esteroyid pou sist epidèm la.
☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye.
  • Si yon ti boul ki anjeneral pèsiste toudenkou vin anflame, li ka sispèk kòm yon sis epidèm.
  • Ka sa a ka difisil pou diferansye ak yon absè komen.
  • Yon karakteristik karakteristik spor epidèm se prezans nan yon twou santral egzeyat, tankou yon pwen nwa nan mitan an.
  • Tipik inflammed epidermal cyst ― Yon ouvèti nwa nan sant la
  • Li parèt tankou yon fin vye granmoun, tou dousman ap grandi, epi lè yo peze, materyèl keratin ka lage.
  • Epidèrmik Sist (Epidermal cyst) se yon boul ki ranpli ak keratin.
  • Ti blesi ka sanble ak absè, men kontrèman ak absè, Epidèrmik Sist (Epidermal cyst) souvan gen yon boul palp.
  • Inflamed thyroglossal cyst
References Minimally Invasive Excision of Epidermal Cysts through a Small Hole Made by a CO2 Laser 24511501 
Pou amelyore aparans la apre yo fin retire spor epidèm yo, nou sijere apwòch mwens pwogrese. Nou te prezante yon nouvo metòd ki konplètman elimine yon sis atravè yon ti twou ki fèt pa yon lazè CO2. Nou te trete 25 pasyan ki gen spor ki soti nan 0. 5 to 1. 5 cm an dyamèt, ki pa t anflame epi ki te kapab deplase lib. Tout pasyan yo te kontan ak jan po yo gade apre sa. Teknik sa a se senp, mennen nan ti kras sikatris, epi li gen anpil chans pou sik la tounen san pwoblèm.
To improve the cosmetic results of removing epidermal cysts, minimally invasive methods have been proposed. We proposed a new minimally invasive method that completely removes a cyst through a small hole made by a CO2 laser. Twenty-five patients with epidermal cysts, which were 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter, non-inflamed, and freely movable, were treated. All of the patients were satisfied with the cosmetic results. This method is simple and results in minimal scarring and low recurrence rates without complications.
 Epidermal Inclusion Cyst 30335343 
Epidermal inclusion cysts se kalite spor po ki pi komen epi yo ka devlope nenpòt kote sou kò a. Yo anjeneral parèt tankou boul mou anba sifas po a, souvan ak yon sant vizib. Sist sa yo ka vin douloure pou pasyan an epi yo ka santi tankou yon boul mou plen ak likid anba po a.
Epidermal inclusion cysts are the most common cutaneous cysts and can occur anywhere on the body. These cysts typically present as fluctuant nodules under the surface of the skin, often with visible central puncta. These cysts often become painful to the patient and may present as a fluctuant filled nodule below the patient's skin.
 Epidermoid Cyst 29763149 
Epidermoid cysts yo rele souvan spor sebase yo. Yo se ti nodul plen ak keratin, anjeneral yo jwenn anba po a sou figi a, kou, ak kòf.
Epidermoid cysts, also known as a sebaceous cysts, are encapsulated subepidermal nodules filled with keratin. Most commonly located on the face, neck, and trunk.
 Overview of epidermoid cyst 31516916 
Nan radyoloji, yo parèt tankou estrikti wonn ak oval, defini klèman san veso sangen; restricted diffusion is common.
On radiology, they have round to oval structure, well-circumscribed, avascular mass; restricted diffusion is typical.