Grover disease - Maladi Grover

Maladi Grover (Grover disease) se yon kondisyon ki parèt toudenkou kòm tach wouj grate sou kòf la, souvan nan gason ki pi gran.

☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye.
      References Grover Disease (Transient Acantholytic Dermatosis) 19722762
      Grover disease , ke yo rele tou dèrmatoz akantolitik pasajè, se yon gratèl ki parèt tankou boul ki ranpli ak likid sou anwo kò a, sitou nan gason ki pi gran blan. Li souvan grate men li pa dire lontan. Gen 4 modèl diferan nan chanjman tisi nan Grover disease , epi li te lye ak divès maladi, tankou kansè nan san. Li ka difisil pou swiv ak trete paske li gen tandans vini ak ale poukont li. Paske Grover disease te asosye souvan ak lòt maladi po dèrmatolojik ak ki pa dèrmatolojik, yo esansyèl pou eskli lòt maladi koncomitan yo, ki gen ladan maladi ematopoyetik.
      Grover disease, also known as transient acantholytic dermatosis, is a rash that appears as bumps filled with fluid on the upper body, mainly in older white men. It's often itchy but doesn't last long. There are 4 different patterns of tissue changes in Grover disease, and it has been linked to various illnesses, like blood cancers. It can be hard to track and treat because it tends to come and go on its own. Because Grover disease has been associated frequently with other dermatologic and nondermatologic skin conditions, to rule out other concomitant disorders, including hematopoietic malignancies is essential.
       Management and Treatment of Grover’s Disease: A Case Report and Review of Literature 35573509 
      Rapò sa a diskite sou yon ka ki ra Grover's disease nan yon blan 80-zan ki te gen yon gratèl sou pwatrin li pandan twa a kat mwa ki sot pase yo. Li gen yon istwa tansyon wo, kolestewòl wo, atrit jenou, rflu asid kwonik, batman kè rapid, kansè pwostat anvan, ak sendwòm janm M'enerve. Okòmansman, li te gen yon gratèl grate, wouj, aksidante sitou sou anwo kò l '. Malgre li te itilize plizyè krèm ak losyon, sentòm li yo pa t amelyore anpil. Apre w fin wè yon dèrmatolog epi li te fè yon byopsi po, yo te konfime dyagnostik la nan Grover's disease. Lè sa a, li te trete ak yon krèm esteroyid pou de semèn.
      This case report details a rare case of Grover's disease in an 80-year-old Caucasian male complaining of a rash across his chest over the last three to four months. The patient has a past medical history of essential hypertension, hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis of the knee, chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), supraventricular tachycardia, status post prostate cancer, and restless legs syndrome. During his initial evaluation, he was found to have a pruritic, erythematous, papular rash most notably along his upper trunk and chest. The patient utilized multiple lotions, emollients, and anti-itch creams with minimal relief of his symptoms and presentation. Following a referral to Dermatology, a biopsy of the rash was conducted, which revealed intraepidermal acantholysis, the hallmark finding for a diagnosis of Grover's disease. Subsequently, he was treated with a topical triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% cream for 14 days.