Herpes simplex - Èpès Senphttps://ht.wikipedia.org/wiki/Èpès_senpleks
Èpès Senp (Herpes simplex) se yon enfeksyon viral (viris èpès). Enfeksyon yo klase dapre pati nan kò a ki enfekte. Èpès oral se yon maladi komen epi li enplike nan figi a oswa nan bouch. Li ka lakòz ti anpoul nan gwoup yo rele souvan maleng frèt oswa ti anpoul lafyèv. Èpès jenital, souvan tou senpleman ke yo rekonèt kòm èpès, ka gen sentòm modere oswa fòme ti anpoul ki kase epi lakòz ti ilsè. Sa yo anjeneral geri sou de a kat semèn. Pikotman doulè ka rive anvan ti anpoul yo parèt. Premye epizòd la souvan pi grav epi li ka asosye ak lafyèv, doulè nan misk, gangliyon lenfatik anfle ak tèt fè mal. Lòt maladi ki te koze pa viris èpès yo enkli: èpès whitlow lè li enplike dwèt yo, èpès nan je a, ak èpès neonatal lè li afekte yon tibebe ki fèk fèt.

Gen de kalite viris èpès senp (herpes simplex) , tip 1 (HSV-1) ak tip 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 pi souvan lakòz enfeksyon nan bouch la pandan ke HSV-2 pi souvan lakòz enfeksyon jenital. Yo transmèt pa kontak dirèk ak moun ki enfekte a. Èpès jenital klase kòm yon enfeksyon seksyèlman transmisib. Li ka gaye nan yon tibebe pandan akouchman. Apre enfeksyon, viris yo transpòte ansanm nè sansoryèl yo nan kò selil nève yo, kote yo rete pou tout lavi. Kòz repetisyon yo ka enkli: fonksyon iminitè diminye, estrès, ak ekspoze solèy la.

Nan pifò ka yo, yo pran medikaman antiviral sèlman lè sentòm yo grav. Yo ka preskri medikaman antiviral chak jou pou yon moun ki gen enfeksyon trè souvan. Pa gen vaksen ki disponib epi vaksen bardo a pa anpeche èpès senp. Tretman ak medikaman antiviral tankou aciclovir oswa valaciclovir ka diminye gravite sentòm yo.

Pousantaj atravè lemond swa HSV-1 oswa HSV-2 se ant 60% ak 95% nan granmoun. HSV-1 anjeneral enfekte pandan anfans. Yon estime 536 milyon moun atravè lemond (16% nan popilasyon an) te enfekte ak HSV-2 apati 2003 ak pi gwo pousantaj nan mitan fanm ak moun ki nan mond lan devlope. Pifò moun ki gen HSV-2 pa reyalize ke yo enfekte.

Tretman - Medikaman OTC
Evite nenpòt kontak fizik, tankou bo yon timoun, pandan ti anpoul yo prezan, paske kontak ka gaye enfeksyon an bay lòt moun. Ou ta dwe repoze san bwè alkòl.
#Acyclovir cream
☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye.
  • Èpès senp sou lèv la.
  • Èpès Senp (Herpes simplex) ― Enfeksyon èpès senp nan dwèt yo pi komen nan timoun piti pase nan granmoun.
  • Si sentòm yo grav, pran medikaman antiviral pi itil nan soulaje sentòm yo.
  • Si li rive nan bouch la, angular cheilitis yo ta dwe diferansye. Sepandan, nan foto sa a, li gen plis chans yo dwe èpès paske gen plizyè ti anpoul alantou bouch la.
  • Herpes gingiva ― Enfeksyon èpès yo ka rive pa sèlman nan bouch la, men tou nan zòn intraoral, perinasal ak peryokulèr.
  • Èpès jenital nan fi.
  • Èpès sou bounda yo karakterize pa rechute lè fatige.
  • Nan ka enfeksyon toupatou, yo ka mande tretman entansif, menm jan ak èpès zoster.
References Herpes Simplex Type 1 29489260 
Enfeksyon HSV-1 pwogrese atravè enfeksyon prensipal nan selil epitelyal, ki te swiv pa latansi, sitou nan newòn, ak reyaktivasyon. HSV-1 souvan lakòz premye ak renouvlab eripsyon vesikulèr, sitou sou bouch la ak mukoza jenital. Manifestasyon li yo varye soti nan èpès orolabial nan divès kondisyon tankou folikulit èpès, enfeksyon sou po, patisipasyon okulèr, ak ka grav tankou ansefalit èpès. Terapi antiviral ede jere enfeksyon HSV.
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a member of the Alphaherpesviridae subfamily. Its structure is composed of linear dsDNA, an icosahedral capsid that is 100 to 110 nm in diameter, with a spikey envelope. In general, the pathogenesis of HSV-1 infection follows a cycle of primary infection of epithelial cells, latency primarily in neurons, and reactivation. HSV-1 is responsible for establishing primary and recurrent vesicular eruptions, primarily in the orolabial and genital mucosa. HSV-1 infection has a wide variety of presentations, including orolabial herpes, herpetic sycosis (HSV folliculitis), herpes gladiatorum, herpetic whitlow, ocular HSV infection, herpes encephalitis, Kaposi varicelliform eruption (eczema herpeticum), and severe or chronic HSV infection. Antiviral therapy limits the course of HSV infection.
 Herpes Simplex Type 2 32119314 
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) se yon enfeksyon ki gaye toupatou, ki afekte anviwon 22% adilt ki gen laj 12 an oswa pi wo, totalize 45 milyon adilt Ozetazini. Pandan ke HSV-1 anjeneral lakòz maleng nan bouch, li ka mennen tou nan blesi jenital. Sepandan, lè pasyan yo gen blesi jenital, HSV-2 se nòmalman enkyetid prensipal la. Sentòm yo nan epidemi HSV-2 yo souvan vag, tankou demanjezon jenital ak iritasyon, ki ka retade dyagnostik ak tretman. Reta sa a ka lakòz plis transmisyon bay moun ki pa enfekte.
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) continues to be a common infection, affecting approximately 22% of adults ages 12 and older, representing 45 million adults in the United States alone. While HSV-1 often affects the perioral region and can be known to cause genital lesions, HSV-2 is more commonly the consideration when patients present with genital lesions. Despite this, most outbreaks of the infection will present with nonspecific symptoms such as genital itching, irritation, and excoriations, which may cause diagnosis and treatment to be delayed. As a result, further exposure to uninfected individuals may occur.
 Prevention and Treatment of Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Infection 32044154 
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) souvan lakòz enfeksyon tankou èpès jenital ak maleng lafwa nan adolesan ak granmoun. Lè HSV enfekte yon tibebe nan premye 4-6 semèn lavi yo, sa ka lakòz yon maladi grav ak konsekans grav. Byen vit dyagnostike enfeksyon HSV neonatal la enpòtan anpil pou anpeche maladi a vin pi mal, pou anpeche pwoblèm newolojik (menm lanmò) .
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), a member of the Herpesviridae family, is a well-known cause of infections including genital herpes and herpes labialis in the adolescent and adult population. Transmission of HSV infection to an infant during the first 4-6 weeks of life can lead to devastating disease with the potential for poor outcomes. Early diagnosis is imperative when evaluating neonatal HSV infection in order to prevent further disease progression, neurological complications, and even death.
 Herpes simplex virus infection in pregnancy 22566740 
Herpes simplex enfeksyon trè komen epi yo ka pase soti nan fanm ansent ak tibebe yo. Viris sa a ka lakòz pwoblèm sante grav oswa menm lanmò nan tibebe ki fèk fèt. Pandan ke li ra pandan gwosès tèt li, li souvan rive pandan akouchman. Risk la pi wo si manman an vin enfekte nan dènye etap gwosès la. Sepandan, risk sa a ka redwi lè w itilize dwòg antiviral oswa chwazi yon seksyon C nan sèten sitiyasyon.
Infection with herpes simplex is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. Because the infection is common in women of reproductive age it can be contracted and transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy and the newborn. Herpes simplex virus is an important cause of neonatal infection, which can lead to death or long-term disabilities. Rarely in the uterus, it occurs frequently during the transmission delivery. The greatest risk of transmission to the fetus and the newborn occurs in case of an initial maternal infection contracted in the second half of pregnancy. The risk of transmission of maternal-fetal-neonatal herpes simplex can be decreased by performing a treatment with antiviral drugs or resorting to a caesarean section in some specific cases.
 Clinical management of herpes simplex virus infections: past, present, and future 30443341 
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) kalite 1 ak 2 enfekte anpil moun atravè lemond. Anjeneral, viris la rete trankil nan selil nève apre li fin enfekte po a, men li ka reaktive pita, sa ki lakòz maleng lafwa. Pafwa, li mennen nan pwoblèm grav tankou enfeksyon nan je, enflamasyon nan sèvo, oswa kondisyon danjere nan tibebe ki fenk fèt ak moun ki gen sistèm iminitè fèb. Pandan ke medikaman aktyèl yo ede kontwole enfeksyon, risk pou rezistans dwòg ak efè segondè rete yon enkyetid. Nou bezwen nouvo medikaman pou sib viris la pi byen.
Infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 is ubiquitous in the human population. Most commonly, virus replication is limited to the epithelia and establishes latency in enervating sensory neurons, reactivating periodically to produce localized recurrent lesions. However, these viruses can also cause severe disease such as recurrent keratitis leading potentially to blindness, as well as encephalitis, and systemic disease in neonates and immunocompromised patients. Although antiviral therapy has allowed continual and substantial improvement in the management of both primary and recurrent infections, resistance to currently available drugs and long-term toxicity pose a current and future threat that should be addressed through the development of new antiviral compounds directed against new targets.