Nail dystrophy - Zong Distwofi
Zong Distwofi (Nail dystrophy) se yon maladi oswa defòmasyon nan klou a akòz enflamasyon enkoni. Nan apeprè mwatye nan ka sispèk chanpiyon klou pa gen aktyèlman pa gen enfeksyon chanpiyon. Te gen sèlman kèk distwofi klou.

Distwofi klou souvan mal dyagnostike kòm onychomycosis ak trete. Anvan ou kòmanse terapi antifonjik founisè swen sante a ta dwe konfime yon enfeksyon chanpiyon. Administrasyon tretman bay moun ki pa gen enfeksyon se swen sante ki pa nesesè epi li lakòz efè segondè initil.

Piki entralesional nan kortikoterapi ta ka eseye trete distwofi klou a.

Tretman - Medikaman OTC
Evite aktivite ki ka domaje zong pye ou, tankou jwe foutbòl oswa randone. Tretman antifonjik pa efikas paske onychodystrophy pa koze pa enfeksyon chanpiyon an.

☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye.
  • Median nail dystrophy ― Se pa yon enfeksyon chanpiyon ki lakòz.
  • Zong Distwofi (Nail dystrophy) ki enplike plizyè dwèt.
References Trachyonychia and Twenty-Nail Dystrophy: A Comprehensive Review and Discussion of Diagnostic Accuracy 27843915 
Trachyonychia, oswa twenty-nail dystrophy , refere a klou mens, frajil ak anpil krèt ki kouri nan longè. Pafwa, twenty-nail dystrophy yo itilize erè pou dekri lòt kondisyon ki afekte tout ven klou.
The term trachyonychia, also known as twenty-nail dystrophy, is used to describe thin, brittle nails with excessive longitudinal ridging. The term twenty-nail dystrophy has been incorrectly applied to other conditions that can affect all twenty nails.
 Median nail dystrophy - Case reports 33318093 
Yon nonm 34-zan te ale nan doktè regilye li paske li te gen boul san doulè sou tou de ti pous li pou 20 ane. Li pa t sonje li te blese zong li oswa li te pran yon enfeksyon. Sou tou de pous, te gen yon renur dwat nan mitan an, ki te gen fòm yon pye pichpen, ak liy atravè li.
A 34-year-old man presented to his primary care physician with a 20-year history of painless bilateral thumbnail lesions. The patient had no history of nail trauma or infection. Both thumbs had a central linear depression in a fir tree pattern, surrounded by parallel transverse ridges.
 Nail cosmetics: What a dermatologist should know! 37317711
Pandan ke pifò pwodui kosmetik klou yo jeneralman an sekirite, yo ka toujou mennen nan pwoblèm tankou reyaksyon alèjik, iritasyon, enfeksyon, ak pwoblèm mekanik. Li se vo anyen ke anpil nan pwosedi kosmetik klou yo te pote soti nan èstetisyen ki ka manke konesans apwopriye nan anatomi ak fonksyon klou, olye ke dèrmatolog. Anplis de sa, pratik ijyèn nan salon klou ak salon bote varye, sa ki ka lakòz pwoblèm egi tankou paronikya ak distwofi klou akòz blesi matris.
While most nail cosmetics are generally safe, they can still lead to issues such as allergic reactions, irritations, infections, and mechanical problems. It's worth noting that many of nail cosmetic procedures are carried out by beauticians who may lack proper knowledge of nail anatomy and function, rather than dermatologists. Additionally, the hygiene practices in nail salons and beauty parlors vary, which can result in acute problems like paronychia and nail dystrophy due to matrix injury.