Onychomysosis - Chanpiyon Zong Pye
☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye. 

Pye yon moun ki gen yon enfeksyon klou chanpiyon dis semèn nan yon kou nan medikaman oral terbinafine. Remake gwoup kwasans klou ki an sante dèyè klou ki enfekte ki rete yo.

Yon ka enfeksyon chanpiyon sou gwo zòtèy la.
relevance score : -100.0%
Onychomycosis: Current trends in diagnosis and treatment 24364524Antifonjik sistemik yo se tretman ki pi efikas. Meta-analiz yo montre pousantaj gerizon mikotik jan sa a: terbinafine = 76%, itraconazole with pulse dosing = 63%, itraconazole with continuous dosing = 59%, fluconazole =48% . Debridement klou koncomitan ogmante plis pousantaj gerizon. Terapi aktualite ak ciclopirox mwens efikas; li gen yon pousantaj echèk ki depase 60%.
Systemic antifungals are the most effective treatment. Meta-analyses shows mycotic cure rates as follows: terbinafine = 76%, itraconazole with pulse dosing = 63%, itraconazole with continuous dosing = 59%, fluconazole =48%. Concomitant nail debridement further increases cure rates. Topical therapy with ciclopirox is less effective; it has a failure rate exceeding 60%.
Onychomycosis 28722883 NIH
Onikomikoz se yon enfeksyon chanpiyon ki afekte klou yo. Lè li koze pa dermatophytes, li rele tinea unguium. Onikomikoz gen ladan enfeksyon ki te koze pa dèrmatofit, ledven, ak mwazi. Yon pwoblèm klou ki pa koze pa yon enfeksyon chanpiyon rele yon nail dystrophy. Malgre ke li ka afekte tou de zong ak zong pye, onychomycosis zong pye se pi komen. Atik sa a diskite sou divès aspè nan onychomycosis zong pye, tankou enpak li, kalite klinik, etap, dyagnostik, ak tretman. Pandan ke li pa menase lavi, onikomikoz ka mennen nan konplikasyon grav tankou selulit, sepsis, enfeksyon nan zo, domaj tisi, ak pèt klou.
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail unit. When dermatophytes cause onychomycosis, this condition is called tinea unguium. The term onychomycosis encompasses the dermatophytes, yeasts, and saprophytic mold infections. An abnormal nail not caused by a fungal infection is a dystrophic nail. Onychomycosis can infect both fingernails and toenails, but onychomycosis of the toenail is much more prevalent. Discussed in detail in this activity are all evolving facets of the topic, including disease burden, clinical types, staging, diagnosis, and management of toenail onychomycosis. While non-life-threatening, onychomycosis can lead to severe complications such as cellulitis, sepsis, osteomyelitis, tissue damage, and nail loss.
Terbinafine 31424802 NIH
Terbinafine se yon medikaman ki konbat enfeksyon chanpiyon lè li bloke squalene epoxidase. Li efikas kont anpil kalite fongis po epi li apwouve pou trete chanpiyon klou lè yo pran oralman. Pandan ke pifò efè segondè tankou tèt fè mal ak pwoblèm nan lestomak yo minè epi yo ale poukont yo, chanjman nan gou (dysgeusia) ka varye soti nan modere a grav, pafwa ki mennen nan pèdi pwa. Chanjman gou pèmanan yo ra men yo te rapòte.
Terbinafine is an antifungal medication that works through the inhibition of squalene epoxidase. It has activity against most dermatophytes, and it has approval for use as an oral therapy for the treatment of onychomycosis. Although most side effects are mild and self-limited, such as headache and gastrointestinal symptoms, taste disturbances (dysgeusia) can range from mild to severe, resulting in weight loss, and have rarely been reported permanent.
Onychomycosis: An Updated Review 31738146 NIH
Onikomikoz se yon enfeksyon chanpiyon ki afekte klou. Anviwon 90% nan enfeksyon zong pye ak 75% nan enfeksyon zong se koze pa fongis (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum) . Sentòm yo enkli dekolorasyon klou, epesman, separasyon ak kabann klou a, ak twòp kwasans. Tretman anjeneral enplike nan medikaman oral tankou terbinafine oswa itraconazole, ak tretman aktualite yo se yon opsyon pou ka modere ak modere.
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail unit. Approximately 90% of toenail and 75% of fingernail onychomycosis are caused by dermatophytes, notably Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum. Clinical manifestations include discoloration of the nail, subungual hyperkeratosis, onycholysis, and onychauxis. Currently, oral terbinafine is the treatment of choice, followed by oral itraconazole. In general, topical monotherapy can be considered for mild to moderate onychomycosis.
Medikaman antifonjik terbinafine pran nan bouch parèt pi efikas men terbinafine asosye ak efè segondè nan fwa.
chanpiyon zong pye (onychomysosis) rive nan apeprè 10 pousan nan popilasyon adilt la, ak moun ki pi gran yo afekte pi souvan. Gason yo afekte pi souvan pase fi. chanpiyon zong pye (onychomysosis) reprezante apeprè mwatye nan maladi klou. Sa vle di ke defòmasyon nan zong pye yo kapab tou soti nan kòz lòt pase onikomikoz.
○ Tretman - Medikaman OTC
Li difisil pou trete onychomycosis ak medikaman aktualite paske li difisil pou dwòg antre zong pye yo epè.
#Butenafine [Lotrimin]
○ Tretman
Se tretman alontèm anjeneral obligatwa jiskaske zong pye ki enfekte a konplètman retire deyò.
#Terbinafine (oral)
#Efinaconazole lacquer [Jublia]
#Ciclopirox lacquer