Perioral dermatitis - Perioral Dèrmatoz
Perioral Dèrmatoz (Perioral dermatitis) se yon gratèl po komen sou figi an. Sentòm yo enkli plizyè ti boul (1-2 mm) ak ti anpoul pafwa ak wouj nan background ak echèl. Blesi yo lokalize sou po a alantou bouch la ak twou nen yo. Li ka pèsistan oswa renouvlab ak sanble ak patikilyèman Rosaceæ ak nan yon sèten mezi akne ak dèrmatoz alèjik.

Estewoyid aktualite ka lakòz kondisyon an ak idratan ak pwodui kosmetik ka kontribye tou nan devlopman maladi po. Tretman se tipikman pa sispann estewoyid aktualite ak pwodui kosmetik, ak nan ka ki pi grav, pran tetrasiklin nan bouch. Sispann estewoyid ka okòmansman vin pi mal gratèl la.

Kondisyon an estime afekte 0.5-1% moun nan yon ane nan mond lan devlope. Jiska 90% nan moun ki afekte yo se fanm ki gen laj ant 16 ak 45 ane.

Tretman - Medikaman OTC
Dèrmatit perioral souvan koze pa dèrmatoz kontak kwonik nan pwodui kosmetik, kidonk aplike pwodui kosmetik nan bouch la pa rekòmande. Lè w pran antihistamin OTC ka itil. Tretman souvan mande pou plizyè mwa.
#OTC antihistamine
☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye.
  • Papul alantou bouch la ak twou nen ak kèk wouj background yo souvan obsève nan fòm lan nan yon plak oswa pustul alantou bouch la.
    References Perioral Dermatitis 30247843 
    Perioral dermatitis se yon kondisyon po benign souvan wè nan jèn fanm, karakterize pa ti boul wouj oswa plak nan po sèk, kalm alantou bouch la. Pandan ke li tipikman afekte zòn nan alantou bouch la, li ka parèt tou tou pre je yo ak nen, ki mennen nan tinon li yo, dèrmatit periorifisyèl. Itilize nan estewoyid aktualite sou figi a ka deklanche kondisyon sa a, kidonk premye etap la nan tretman an anjeneral sispann itilize nan estewoyid sa yo. Lòt opsyon tretman enkli aplike metronidazol ak inibitè calcineurin, oswa pran antibyotik tetrasiklin oral. Dèrmatit peryoral anjeneral reponn byen ak tretman, men li ka pafwa pèsiste oswa retounen repete.
    Perioral dermatitis is a benign eruption that occurs most commonly in young, female adults, consisting of small inflammatory papules and pustules or pink, scaly patches around the mouth. Although the perioral region is the most common area of distribution, this disease also can affect the periocular and paranasal skin. For this reason, it is often referred to as periorificial dermatitis. Topical steroid use to the face can trigger this, and therefore, a primary recommendation for treatment would be discontinuation of steroid application by the patient. Other treatment approaches include topical metronidazole, topical calcineurin inhibitors, and oral tetracycline antibiotics. Perioral dermatitis often responds readily to therapy but can be chronic and recurrent.
     Allergic contact cheilitis caused by propolis: case report 35195191 
    Propoli se yon sibstans lipofil extrait nan plant pa myèl. Objektif rapò ka sa a se te montre enpòtans sibstans sa a kòm kòz cheilit kontak alèjik. Yon pasyan fi 21-zan te plenyen pou ègzema peryoral pruritic pandan 5 ane. Nan mwa ki sot pase yo li tou afekte kou a. Apre dyagnostik dèrmatoz kontak, li te soumèt nan yon tès patch. Rezilta tès patch la te trè pozitif pou propoli (++) .
    Propolis is a lipophilic resin extracted from plants by bees. The purpose of this case report was to show the importance of this substance as cause of allergic contact cheilitis. A 21-year-old female patient complained of pruritic perioral eczema for 5 years. In the past months it also affected the neck. After diagnosing contact dermatitis, she was submitted to a patch test with a Latin American baseline series. The result was strongly positive for propolis (++)
     Predictive Model for Differential Diagnosis of Inflammatory Papular Dermatoses of the Face 33911757 
    Plizyè maladi po enflamatwa karakterize pa papul eritematoz. Maladi nan klinik komen - folliculitis, rosacea ; Maladi relativman ra - eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (EPF) , granulomatous periorificial dermatitis (GPD) , lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei (LMDF) .
    Various inflammatory skin diseases characterized by erythematous papules that most often affect the face include clinically common folliculitis and rosacea, and relatively rare eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (EPF), granulomatous periorificial dermatitis (GPD), and lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei (LMDF).