Purpura Senil (Senile purpura) se yon kondisyon po karakterize pa gwo, 1- a 5-cm, ekkimoz nwa koulè wouj violèt ki parèt sou dors la nan avanbra yo ak men yo. Se blesi purpurik la ki te koze pa domaj solèy-pwovoke nan tisi konjonktif po a. Pa gen tretman ki nesesè. Blesi yo tipikman fennen sou yon peryòd ki rive jiska 3 semèn.
Solar purpura ("Senile purpura") is a skin condition characterized by large, sharply outlined, 1- to 5-cm, dark purplish-red ecchymoses appearing on the dorsa of the forearms and less often the hands. It is caused by sun-induced damage to the connective tissue of the skin.
☆ Nan rezilta Stiftung Warentest 2022 ki soti nan Almay, satisfaksyon konsomatè yo ak ModelDerm te sèlman yon ti kras pi ba pase ak konsiltasyon telemedsin peye.
Kondisyon sa a trè komen nan moun ki pi gran yo epi si bra a kenbe difisil, li kraze fasil. Odè estewoyid pa ta dwe aplike.
Actinic purpura rive lè san koule nan kouch pi fon po a. Li rive pi souvan nan moun ki pi gran yo ki gen po eklèsi ak veso sangen frajil, espesyalman si yo te gen anpil ekspoze solèy. Actinic purpura results from the extravasation of blood into the dermis. This phenomenon is due to the skin atrophy and fragility of the blood vessels in elderly individuals, which is exacerbated by chronic sun exposure.
○ Tretman
Li enpòtan pou pa aplike odè esteroyid.