Kista (Cyst) adalah kantung tertutup. kista (cyst) mungkin berisi udara, cairan, atau bahan semi padat. Kumpulan nanah disebut abses, bukan kista. Kista mungkin perlu diangkat melalui pembedahan, tapi itu tergantung pada jenis dan lokasinya.
A cyst is a closed sac, having a distinct envelope and division compared with the nearby tissue. Hence, it is a cluster of cells that has grouped together to form a sac (like the manner in which water molecules group together to form a bubble); however, the distinguishing aspect of a cyst is that the cells forming the "shell" of such a sac are distinctly abnormal (in both appearance and behaviour) when compared with all surrounding cells for that given location. A cyst may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, a cyst may resolve on its own. When a cyst fails to resolve, it may need to be removed surgically, but that would depend upon its type and location.
☆ Pada hasil Stiftung Warentest tahun 2022 dari Jerman, kepuasan konsumen terhadap ModelDerm hanya sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan konsultasi telemedis berbayar.
Ganglion cyst ― Benjolan tanpa gejala yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba di sela-sela sendi. Jika diagnosis kista ganglion sudah pasti, masalahnya dapat diatasi dengan menekan nodul dengan kuat hingga kista di dalamnya pecah.
Mucocele ― Tampak seperti benjolan lembut di bibir tanpa gejala apa pun.