Herpes zosterhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shingles
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References Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia: Prevention and Management 29431387Shingles, nke sitere na mweghachi nke nje varicella zoster na-ebute ọkụkọ, na-emetụta ihe dị ka nde mmadụ 1 kwa afọ na United States, na-enwe ihe ize ndụ ndụ nke 30%. Ndị nwere usoro ahụ ji alụso ọrịa ọgụ na-esiwanye ike na-enwekarị ike ịmalite shingles, yana mgbaàmà na-amalitekarị site na ahụ adịghị ya, isi ọwụwa, na ahụ ọkụ dị nro, na-esochi mmetụta anụ ahụ na-adịghị ahụkebe ụbọchị ole na ole tupu ọkụ ọkụ apụta. Ihe ọkụ ọkụ a, nke na-apụtakarị n'akụkụ ahụ a kapịrị ọnụ, na-esi na ọnya na-egbuke egbuke ruo n'ọnya gbawara agbawa ihe karịrị otu izu ruo ụbọchị iri. Ọgwụgwọ ngwa ngwa site na ọgwụ mgbochi nje (acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir) n'ime awa 72 nke ihe ọkụ ọkụ malitere dị oke mkpa. Postherpetic neuralgia, ihe mgbagwoju anya nke a na-eji ogologo oge mgbu na mpaghara emetụtara, na-emetụta ihe dị ka otu onye n'ime ndị ọrịa ise ma na-achọ nlekọta na-aga n'ihu na ọgwụ ndị dị ka gabapentin, pregabalin, ma ọ bụ ụfọdụ antidepressants, yana ihe ndị dị n'elu dị ka lidocaine ma ọ bụ capsaicin. A na-atụ aro ịgba ọgwụ mgbochi megide nje varicella zoster maka ndị okenye gbara afọ 50 na karịa iji belata ohere nke shingles.
Shingles, caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus responsible for chickenpox, affects around 1 million people annually in the United States, with a lifetime risk of 30%. Those with weakened immune systems are significantly more prone to developing shingles, with symptoms typically starting with malaise, headache, and a mild fever, followed by unusual skin sensations a few days before the appearance of a rash. This rash, usually appearing in a specific area of the body, progresses from clear blisters to crusted sores over a week to ten days. Prompt treatment with antiviral medications (acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir) within 72 hours of rash onset is crucial. Postherpetic neuralgia, a common complication characterized by prolonged pain in the affected area, affects about one in five patients and requires ongoing management with medications such as gabapentin, pregabalin, or certain antidepressants, along with topical agents like lidocaine or capsaicin. Vaccination against the varicella zoster virus is recommended for adults aged 50 and above to reduce the risk of shingles.
Epidemiology, treatment and prevention of herpes zoster: A comprehensive review 29516900Herpes zoster na-emekarị ọtụtụ ugboro n'ime ndị gbara afọ 50 gbagowe, ndị nwere usoro ahụ ji alụso ọrịa ọgụ adịghị ike, na ndị na-aṅụ ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa. Ọ na-ebute ya site na mweghachi nke nje varicella-zoster, otu nje na-ebute ọkụkọ ọkụkọ. Mgbaàmà dị ka ahụ ọkụ, mgbu, na itching na-ebutekarị mpụta ihe ọkụ ọkụ. Ihe mgbagwoju anya na-emekarị bụ neuralgia post-herpetic, nke bụ nhụjuanya akwara na-adịgide adịgide mgbe ọkụ ọkụ ahụ kpochapụrụ. Ihe ize ndụ na nsogbu ndị metụtara herpes zoster dịgasị iche dabere na afọ, ahụike ahụ ike, na oge mmalite ọgwụgwọ. E gosiputara ịgba ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa maka ndị nọ n'afọ 60 na karịa ka ọ na-ebelata nke ọma ihe omume nke herpes zoster na post-herpetic neuralgia. Ịmalite ọgwụ mgbochi nje na ndị na-enye mgbu n'ime awa 72 nke mmalite ọkụ ọkụ nwere ike ibelata ịdị njọ na nsogbu nke herpes zoster na post-herpetic neuralgia.
Herpes zoster tends to occur more frequently in people aged 50 and older, those with weakened immune systems, and those taking immunosuppressant medications. It's triggered by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Symptoms like fever, pain, and itching commonly precede the appearance of the characteristic rash. The most common complication is post-herpetic neuralgia, which is persistent nerve pain after the rash clears up. The risk factors and complications associated with herpes zoster vary depending on age, immune health, and timing of treatment initiation. Vaccination for individuals aged 60 and above has been shown to significantly reduce the occurrence of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia. Starting antiviral medications and pain relievers within 72 hours of rash onset can lessen the severity and complications of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia.
Prevention of Herpes Zoster: A Focus on the Effectiveness and Safety of Herpes Zoster Vaccines 36560671 NIH
Nnwale ụlọ ọgwụ tupu nnabata na-egosi na ọgwụ mgbochi zoster dị ndụ na-arụ ọrụ ihe dị ka 50 ruo 70%, ebe ọgwụ mgbochi na-arụ ọrụ nke ọma, sitere na 90 ruo 97%. N'ime ọmụmụ ihe n'ezie, ha na-akwado nchoputa nke ule ndị ahụ, na-egosi na ọgwụ mgbochi dị ndụ dị ihe dị ka 46% dị irè, ebe nke recombinant dị gburugburu 85%.
The pre-licensure clinical trials show the efficacy of the live zoster vaccine to be between 50 and 70% and for the recombinant vaccine to be higher at 90 to 97%. Real-world effectiveness studies, with a follow-up of approximately 10 years, were reviewed in this article. These data corroborated the efficacy studies, with vaccine effectiveness being 46% and 85% for the live and recombinant vaccines, respectively.
Chickenpox, nke a na-akpọkwa varicella, na-esite na nje mbụ a na-ebute ya, nke na-emekarị n'oge nwata ma ọ bụ n'oge uto. Ozugbo chickenpox gwọchara, nje ahụ nwere ike ịnọgide na-adịghị arụ ọrụ (na-ehi ụra) na mkpụrụ ndụ akwara mmadụ ruo ọtụtụ afọ ma ọ bụ iri afọ, mgbe nke ahụ gasịrị, ọ nwere ike ịmaliteghachi. Herpes zoster pụta mgbe nje virus varicella na-ehi ụra arụgharịrị. Mgbe ahụ nje virus na-aga n'akụkụ ahụ akwara ruo na njedebe akwara na akpụkpọ ahụ, na-emepụta ọnya. N'oge ntiwapụ nke herpes zoster , ikpughe nje virus varicella nke a na-ahụ na ọnya herpes zoster nwere ike ibute ọkụkọ n'ime onye na-enwebeghị ọkụkọ.
Ihe ndị dị ize ndụ maka ịmaliteghachi nje na-ehi ụra gụnyere ịka nká, ọrụ nchebe na-adịghị mma, na inwe ọrịa ọkụkọ tupu ọnwa 18 eruo. Nje virus Varicella zoster abụghị otu nje virus herpes simplex, ọ bụ ezie na ha abụọ bụ otu ezinụlọ nke herpesviruses.
Ọgwụ mgbochi herpes zoster na-ebelata ohere nke herpes zoster site na 50% ruo 90%. Ọ na-ebelata ọnụego postherpetic neuralgia, na, ọ bụrụ na herpes zoster emee, ogo ya. Ọ bụrụ na herpes zoster na-etolite, ọgwụ mgbochi nje dị ka aciclovir nwere ike ibelata ogo na ogologo oge nke ọrịa ma ọ bụrụ na ọ malitere n'ime awa 72 nke ihe ọkụ ọkụ ahụ pụtara.
○ Ọgwụgwọ
Ọ bụrụ na ọnya na-agbasa ngwa ngwa, hụ dọkịta gị ozugbo enwere ike maka ọgwụgwọ antiviral.
Ma ọgwụ mgbochi nje na ọgwụ neuralgia ka achọrọ. Ị kwesịrị izu ike ma kwụsị ịṅụ mmanya na-aba n'anya.