Ota nevus bụ hyperpigmentation nke na-apụta na ihu, na-apụtakarị na ọcha nke anya. Ọ na-apụtakwa n'egedege ihu, imi, ntì, mpaghara periorbital, na ụlọ nsọ. Ụmụ nwanyị fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ okpukpu ise ka ọ ga-emetụta karịa ụmụ nwoke, ọ dịkwa ụkọ n'etiti ndị ọcha. Ota nevus nwere ike ọ gaghị abụ ọmụmụ, ma nwee ike ịpụta mgbe ntolitechara. A kọwo na ojiji nke Q-switched 1064 nm laser na-aga nke ọma n'ịgwọ nevus nke Ota.
Nevus of Ota is a blue hyperpigmentation that occurs on the face, most often appearing on the white of the eye. It also occurs on the forehead, nose, cheek, periorbital region, and temple.
☆ Na nsonaazụ Stiftung Warentest nke 2022 sitere na Germany, afọ ojuju ndị ahịa na ModelDerm dị ntakịrị ntakịrị karịa na nyocha telemedicine akwụ ụgwọ.
Ọ nwere ike imetụta mpaghara conjunctival.
QS1064 ọgwụgwọ laser nwere ike na-arụpụta ezigbo nsonaazụ.
Ota Nevus bụ ihe na-adịghị mma na-agbachi agbachi nke akpụkpọ ahụ karịsịa gburugburu mpaghara akwara trigeminal, na-emetụtakarị mpaghara anya site na ngalaba nke mbụ na nke abụọ nke irighiri akwara a. Ọnọdụ a, nke a na-akpọkwa melanosis anya, na-ebute mwepu isi awọ-acha anụnụ anụnụ n'ihi melanocytes tọrọ atọ. Ọ na-apụtakarị n'otu akụkụ ihu ma nwee ike ịgụnye anya, akpụkpọ ihu, na mgbe ụfọdụ elu ọnụ. Ndị nwere ọnọdụ a nwere ohere dị elu nke ịmalite melanoma anya na glaucoma. Nevus nke Ito yiri ya mana ọ na-emetụta mpaghara akwara dị iche iche. Nevus of Ota is a benign melanosis that primarily involves the region of the trigeminal nerve distribution. The first and second divisions of the trigeminal nerve, namely the ophthalmic V1 and the maxillary V2 are most commonly involved. There is associated hyperpigmentation of the eye. Nevus of Ota is also known as ocular dermal melanosis. The characteristic gray-blue hyperpigmentation occurs due to entrapped melanocytes. Unilateral presentation is more common. The melanocytes are entrapped leading to gray-blue hyperpigmentation of the conjunctiva and sclera along with ipsilateral facial skin. There is an increased risk of uveal melanoma and glaucoma in these cases. Palatal involvement may also occur. Nevus of Ito is very similar to nevus of Ota except it differs in the territory of distribution. It was described by Minor Ota in 1954. It involves the distribution territory of lateral cutaneous brachial nerves of the shoulder and posterior supraclavicular nerves. Both of these diseases share similar pathophysiology.
A makwaara Congenital dermal melanocytosis dị ka ntụpọ Mongolian. Ọ bụ ụdị akara ọmụmụ a na-ahụkarị na ụmụ amụrụ ọhụrụ. Ọ na-apụta dị ka patches isi awọ-acha anụnụ anụnụ na akpụkpọ ahụ site na ọmụmụ ma ọ bụ obere oge ka e mesịrị. A na-ahụkarị akara ndị a na azụ azụ na azụ, na ubu bụ ebe na-esote. Ha na-adịkarị na ụmụ ọhụrụ Eshia na ndị ojii, na-emetụta ma ụmụ nwoke na ụmụ agbọghọ n'otu aka ahụ. Ọtụtụ mgbe, ha na-apụ n'onwe ha site na afọ 1 ruo 6 ma n'ozuzu ha anaghị achọ ọgwụgwọ ọ bụla n'ihi na ha anaghị emerụ ahụ. Congenital dermal melanocytosis, also known as Mongolian spot or slate gray nevus, is one of many frequently encountered newborn pigmented lesions. It is a type of dermal melanocytosis, which presents as gray-blue areas of discoloration from birth or shortly thereafter. Congenital dermal melanocytosis is most commonly located in the lumbar and sacral-gluteal region, followed by shoulders in frequency. They most commonly occur in Asian and Black patients, affect both genders equally, and commonly fade by age 1 to 6 years old. Congenital dermal melanocytoses are usually benign and do not require treatment.
A kọwo na ojiji nke Q-switched 1064 nm laser na-aga nke ọma n'ịgwọ nevus nke Ota.
○ Ọgwụgwọ
#QS-1064 laser