Senile gluteal dermatosis

Senile gluteal dermatosis bụ hyperkeratotic lichenified anụ ọnya gburugburu nke gluteal mgbawa na ndị agadi.

☆ Na nsonaazụ Stiftung Warentest nke 2022 sitere na Germany, afọ ojuju ndị ahịa na ModelDerm dị ntakịrị ntakịrị karịa na nyocha telemedicine akwụ ụgwọ.
      References A Retrospective Study: Clinical Characteristics and Lifestyle Analysis of Chinese Senile Gluteal Dermatosis Patients 38434574 
      Nnyocha metụtara ndị ọrịa 230 chọpụtara na mmadụ 36 nwere dermatosis buttock geriatric. Ndị ọrịa a nwere nkezi afọ 84, nkezi nha nha nke 21. 7 kg/m2, na oke nwoke na nwanyị bụ 2:1. Ihe metụtara ọrịa a na-ejikọta ya na afọ, okike, ọnụọgụ anụ ahụ, oge ịnọ ọdụ, ụdị oche eji, na ọbara mgbali elu. Ogologo oge ịnọ ọdụ na iji oche achara eme ihe mgbe niile na ọnya ndị ka njọ jikọtara ya. Mgbanwe nke akụkọ ihe mere eme abụghị nke akọwapụtara. Ngwọta izugbe dị ka imeziwanye ndụ ndụ, ihe mgbochi ikuku na-ebelata nrụgide, ude salicylic acid na ude mmiri nwere ike ibelata ọnya akpụkpọ ahụ.
      A total of 230 patients were included, of which 36 were diagnosed with geriatric buttock dermatosis, with a mean age of (84.2±12.6) years, mean body mass index of (21.7±3.8) kg/m2, and a male to female ratio of 2:1. There was a significant correlation between the occurrence of the disease and age, gender, body mass index, sedentary time, type of chair used, and hypertension (P<0.05). The severity of the lesions may be associated with longer sitting time and prolonged use of bamboo chairs (P<0.05). Histopathologic changes were not specific. The skin lesions could subside after general treatment such as improvement of lifestyle, use of pressure-reducing air mattresses, salicylic acid cream, and moisturizing creams.